UNN 2017/2018 Post Utme Admission Screening Form Is Out And On Sale

University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN has released Her 2017/2018 Post utme Admission Screening Form and exercise procedures.

In other to pertake for this year 2017/2018 University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN post utme exercise, you must have attained a score of 200 in the concluded Jamb CBT Examination. The general public is hereby informed that Application Forms for admission into the degree Programme of University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN is now available on-line for the 2017/2018 academic session.



  • Candidates who chose UNN in the 2017 Universities Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and scored 200 or above for screening
  • University of Nigeria, Nsukka requires all candidates applying for admission into any of its courses to possess  five credit “O” level passes.


Eligible candidates are required to pay a processing fee of N2,000.00 (Two thousand Naira only) through Remita Platform at any Commercial Bank. Online registration commences on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 and ends on Sunday, September 10, 2017 while the Post-UTME examination screening exercise will commence on Monday, September 11, 2017 and end on Saturday, September 16, 2017. Process Flow for Post-UTME Registration
  1. Log on to the University Website: www.unn.edu.ng
  2. Click on UNN portal (Top right corner of the Website)
  3. Click Prospective Students
  4. Select Online Application Form for 2017/2018 Admission Screening Exercise
  5. Enter JAMB Registration Number
  6.  Generate Invoice
  7. Proceed to bank for Payment or pay using your ATM Card
  8.  Return to Portal
  9. Re-enter JAMB Registration Number
  10. Complete Date of Birth and all other blank fields
  11. Enter O-Level Subjects and Grades (also provide your Centre and Examination Number)
  12. Re-enter your grades correctly
  13. Upload Certificates (ensure that their sizes are not above 100KB)
    •  Birth Certificate
    • Local Government Identification
    • Testimonial
    • First School Leaving Certificate
    •  JAMB Result Slip
    •  O-Level 1
    • O-Level 2 ( For double sitting candidates) and click the NEXT button
  14. Review Summary page and check that all details entered are correct
  15. Check the CONFIRMATION BOX below
  16.  Click SUBMIT
  17.  Print acknowledgement Slip.


All candidates are required to bring the following for the screening exercise: (i) A copy of Online Acknowledgement Slip (ii) 2017/2018 JAMB Result Slip DAY ONE DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 VENUE 1: NNAMDI AZIKIWE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY FACULTIES/DEPARTMENTS:AGRICULTURE, PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND BIOCHEMISTRY   Time      Faculty/Department                            Score Range 9:00 am – 11:00 am Accountancy                                       256 and above Biochemistry                                       200 and above Pharmaceutical sciences                      200 – 203      11:00 am – 1:00 pm Pharmaceutical Sciences                      204 – 226   1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Pharmaceutical Sciences                     227 – 259   3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Pharmaceutical Sciences                     260 and above Food Science and Technology            200 and above Home Science and Management        200 and above Nutrition and Dietetics                       200 and above Crop Science                                       200 and above General Agriculture                            200 and above Agricultural Economics                      200 and above Agricultural Extension                        200 and above Soil Science                                         200 and above
READ:  Disclaimer! UNN Sandwich and Evening Programmes Admission Forms
Animal Science                                   200 and above     VENUE11: CENTRE FOR DISTANCE e-LEARNING 9:00 am – 11:00 am Accountancy                                       223 and above   11:00 am – 1:00 pm Accountancy                                       202 – 222   1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Accountancy                                       200 – 201 Banking and Finance                          200 and above Marketing                                            200 and above Business Management                        245 and above 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Business Management                        (200 – 244)   DAY TWO DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 VENUE 1: NNAMDI AZIKIWE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY FACULTIES/DEPARTMENTS: HEALTH SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY, DENTISTRY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   Time   Faculty/Department                Score Range 9:00 am – 11:00 am Nursing Sciences                     264 and above Radiography                           200 and above 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Medical Laboratory Technology         212 and above Zoology                                               200 and above   1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Medical Laboratory Technology         200 – 211 Medical Rehabilitation                        200 and above Dentistry                                             200 and above                                       3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Microbiology                                       200 and above Botany                                                  200 and above Biological Sciences                             200 and above        VENUE 11: CENTRE FOR DISTANCE e-LEARNING   9:00 am – 11:00 am     Nursing Sciences                                 233 – 263 11:00 am – 1:00 pm    Nursing Sciences                                 219 – 232 1:00 pm– 3:00 pm       Nursing Sciences                                 209 – 218 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm      Nursing Sciences                                 200 – 208   DAY THREE DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 VENUE 1: NNAMDI AZIKIWE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY FACULTIES/DEPARTMENTS: MEDICINE AND SURGERY, VETERINARY SCIENCES AND BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES Time      Faculty/Department                Score Range 9:00 am – 11:00 am Medicine/Surgery                    266 and above 11:0 am – 1:00 pm Medicine/Surgery                    244 – 265 1:00 am – 3:00 pm Medicine/Surgery                    232 – 243 Veterinary Sciences                200 and above   3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Medicine/Surgery                    220 – 231   VENUE 11: CENTRE FOR DISTANCE e-LEARNING 9:00am – 11:00 am      Medicine/Surgery                    215 – 219   11:00am – 1:00 pm     Medicine/Surgery                    210 – 214   1:00 am – 3:00 pm      Medicine/Surgery                    205 – 209 Physiology                              200 and above     3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Medicine/Surgery                    200 – 204 Anatomy                                 200 and above     DAY FOUR DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 VENUE 1: NNAMDI AZIKIWE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY FACULTIES/DEPARTMENTS: SOCIAL SCIENCES AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES Time                            Faculty/Department                Score Range 9:00 am – 11:00 pm    Political Science                      200 and above Philosophy                              200 and above Religion                                   200 and above     11:00am – 1:00pm      Economics                               200 and above   1:00pm – 3:00pm Social Work                            200 and above Sociology/Anthropology         200 and above Psychology                              200 and above Religion                                   200 and above
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Public Admin/LGA                232 and above     3:00pm – 5:00pm        Public Admin/LGA                200 – 231 Commerce                               222 and above      VENUE 11: CENTRE FOR DISTANCE e-LEARNING 9:00 am – 11:00 am     Commerce                               207 – 221 11:00am – 1:00 pm     Commerce                               200 – 206 Computer Science                   228 and above  1:00 – 3:00pm Computer Science                   200 – 227 Statistics                                  200 and above Admission this year 2017 in UNN is based on your JAMB score and your O’level result. 00p – 500pm Chemistry                                200 and above Mathematics                            200 and above Physics                                    200 and above Geology                                  200 and above     DAY FIVE DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 VENUE 1: NNAMDI AZIKIWE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY FACULTIES/DEPARTMENTS: ARTS, EDUCATION, ENVIRONMENTATAL                                                          STUDIES AND ENGINEERING Time      Faculty/Department                Score Range 9:00am – 11:00am Art/Creative art                       200 and above Theater Arts                            200 and above Igbo, Linguistics, etc              200 and above Music                                      200 and above Archeology                             200 and above French, German, Languages   200 and above     11:00am – 1:00pm History                                    200 and above English Studies                       200 and above Library and Information         200 and above Education Social Science        200 and above Education Igbo                       200 and above     1:00pm – 3:00pm Physical/Health/Human Kinethics 200 and above English Education                   200 and above Music Education                     200 and above Education History                   200 and above French Education                    200 and above Education Geography             200 and above Education science/Science education 200 and above Education Arts                        200 and above Education Biology                  200 and above Education Physics                   200 and above Education Economics             200 and above Business Education                 200 and above Industrial Technical Education 200 and above Computer Education               200 and above Agricultural Education           200 and above     3:00pm – 5:00pm        Environmental Studies including Architecture, Estate Management Geoinformation and Surveying, others     VENUE 11: CENTRE FOR DISTANCE e-LEARNING 9:00am – 11:00am       Civil Engineering                    210 and above   11:00am – 1:00pm      Civil Engineering                    200 – 209 Agric. And Bioresources        200 and above Mechanical Engineering          228 and above     1:00pm – 3:00pm        Mechanical Engineering          200 – 227 Electrical/Electronic                240 and above     3:00pm – 5:00pm Electrical/Electronics              200 – 239 Others                                     200 and above      DAY SIX DATE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2017 VENUE 1: NNAMDI AZIKIWE (DIGITAL) LIBRARY FACULTIES/DEPARTMENTS: FACULTY OF LAW Time                            Faculty/Department                Score Range 9:00am – 11:00am       Law                                         246 and above   11:00am – 1:00pm      Law                                         229 – 245   1:00pm – 3:00pm        Law                                         215 – 228   3:00pm – 5:00pm        Law                                         200 – 214   Visually Impaired Candidates: Visually Impaired Candidates should register online, but they are not invited to the screening exercise.
READ:  UNN 2017/2018 Final Notice On Course Registration
Please note the following:
  • No GSM handsets, calculators or any other extraneous materials should be brought into the screening halls
  • The venues for the screening are Nnamdi Azikiwe Library (Digital Library) and Centre for Distance and e-Learning, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Candidates are also strongly advised to visit the University of Nigeria Website: www.unn.edu.ng
Updates for UNN Post Utme ends here — Recommended: UNN 2017/2018 Departmental Cut Off Marks and Points University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN post UTME /Admission screening exercise application form for the 2017/2018 academic session is yet to be out. UNN post UTME minimum cut-off mark is 180. Below were post of 2016 UNN admission screening procedure. This is a institution where we have 10,000-50,000 applicants fighting for admission space, but unfortunately the institution will only admit not more than 5,000 applicants. Some institutions mostly federals and some states universities admits about 1500 candidates. The rest goes home and rewrite JAMB the following year. before registering for 2017/2018 post utme admission screening exercise, i advice you choose a lesser competitive courses, if you confused about which course/Department i advice you consult your 2017/2018 Jamb brochure or if you want you can drop your comments below this post and we will reply you immediately.


i. Candidates who made University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN their first choice are eligible to apply. ii. The general cut-off mark is 180 points scored in the UTME (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination) of 2017.


Candidates should visit the school official website to process the admission screening form. Screening fee: as of last year the screening fee payable is the sum of N2,500.00 (Two Thousand and Five Hundred Naira) only, so this years screeninng  the price will either remain the same or will be little bit higher. CAUTION:
  • Candidates must have at least five (5) credits which must include English Language at one or two sittings in the School Certificate (WAEC, GCE, NECO, NABTEB).
  • Candidates must ensure that they have passed the relevant subjects for the discipline they are applying for.
  • The University will not be liable for any wrong payment/entry.
  • The University will also not be liable for any fraudulent payments made anywhere that are not in line with the directives of the University. Once 2017/2018 University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN post utme Admission screening form and exercise commerces.
it would be updated first on www.jambadmission.com.ng.You are advice not to pay any 3rd party money for this year 2017 Admission Screening exercise into University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN. Also be beware of fraudsters who goes about claiming they are selling 2017/2018 post Utme form, University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN CEP form, post graduate form, prescience & Predegree form or any other degree form run by University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN. Information about University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN are always updated in the school official site Smarts tags; University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN 2017/2018 post Utme Admission Screening form is Officially out, University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNN 2017/2018 post Utme Admission form is out, see details, Departmental cut offmarks, UNN date for the release of 2017/2018 post Utme form, how to process UNN 2017/2018 post Utme Admission screening form online, has UNN release any post Utme Screening form, will UNN conduct 2017/2018 post Utme exercise Screening date, 2017/2018 post Utme date, UNN 2017/2018 Admission post Utme Screening form date
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