Top Most Hard Courses/Departments In Nigeria University

Top Most Hard Courses/Departments In Nigeria University It takes only the hardworking and the dedicated to study these courses. 1.Medicine and Surgery The hardest thing here is to understand that after you graduate, you would be responsible for people’s lives. And during the course of your study, you willbe forced to read dozens of heavy textbooks. And don’t forget about passing MBBS exam, which contains Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. In the field of medicine, it is another world of studies because you will find yourself studying for many years, some may succeed but some will deviate to another major. 2) Law: being a law student is what most of aspirants wants but law is just like medicine you will spend most of your time in school also spending your time reading many books 3) Engineering: While you are studying engineering, be prepared to learn all the difficult subjects – from the mechanics to chemical engineering. So you should better buy the biggest calculator you can find. The field of engineering is the field of technology, not only being a technician, you must also apply the knowledge of mathematics to your work. that is, it entails lots of calculation. it is said that there is no fine boy in engineering department because all don’t have time for that. 4) Mathematics: we all know what mathematics is all about and what it takes, a mathematician is a professional in mathematics, mathematics. involves lots of calculation thought your life. 5) Statistics: this is another discipline that is just like mathematics, statisticians are applied mathematicians, they use mathematics to solve real life problems, it entails lots of mathematics and some borrowed courses that are not even part of your discipline (eg, economics)

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6) Chemistry: you guys may be surprise about this major but chemistry is not an easy course, chemistry is really a broad course, you find out using your time mixing chemicals in the lab and cramming formulars and theories. Chemistry sounds fun. It is fun if you imagined some guys in the lab that mix some elements and make everything blow. But it turns out that this course is one of the most difficult and includes more math and physics, than you could imagine. 7) Architecture:At first you imagine yourself drawing marvelous projects of skyscrapers. But then you understand that you would be studying a lot of math, optics, drawing and geometry. So it can be not as friendly as you thought. Archi is another discipline that in which you spend most of your time in school, at times you sleep in school drawing and sketching diagrams for planning. 8) Physics with electronics : this course has the combination of both physics and electronics in it. Sounds simple but study courses like this in schools like University of Ibadan, LASU, UNILAG and OAU, then you will know it’s complex and practically Architecture 9. BiochemistryThis course also sounds fun. Some people think that this is a mix of biologyand chemistry. In fact you will have to deal with big organic structures, develop your logical skills and do a lot of mathematical calculations. You will be forced to develop your memory skillsas well to remember difficult structures of carbohydrate and enzyme. You will have to learn a lot within a short period of Time.
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10. PharmacyWhen you are applying for this course, you might have thought that it would beeasier than medicine. But then, you quickly understand that you were wrong. You will be dealing with even more math, physics and chemistry than for Medicine courses.But don’t forget that nothing is impossible. And if you study hard enough and graduate, you will be rewarded by a highly paying job, which can be a real pleasure for you.]]]]> ]]>


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