Summarry of Free Internet Surfing Via Magic IP For The Month of Dec

Hello guys, this is just the summary of the currently free surfing rocking flawlessly this week. Should in case you miss, it will be nice if you can dust your eye glasses and read on…
What you just need right now if you are not rocking it is just a unique magic IP and psiphone and then the surfing continues.

Magic IP’s Setting For Etisalat Via Psiphon
» Download new version of Psiphon Handler here
» Install it on your Android Device
Create New APN settings on Device
» Open your phone settings > Go to more > Go to mobile network > Go to access point names > Select Mtn, Then create new APN and configure as shown below:
» APN Type: default
» APN: etisalat
» Proxy: Blank
» Port: Blank
» Save And Activate it as your default settings

Then Launch Psiphon Handler, in the handler menu:
» Proxy type: Reverse Proxy
» Proxy server: or[email protected] 

» Real Proxy type: HTTP
» Real Proxy server: (leave it blank)
» Select save and click on “tunnel whole device”.
Click on the option tab
» Region: select, USA Server
» Select more option, And check Connect through an HTTP” then select “Use the following settings:” then configure as.
» Host address:
» Port: 3128
You can also use the following magic IP depending on the one that is fast enough for you.
Magic IP
Note that it takes time like 10 – 20minutes before it connects so a lot of patience is needed here Once it connects, you can start downloading and browsing until mama’ calls.

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