Seven Reasons Why Students Fail or Have Gotten Low Score in Post UTME Screening Exams

We at wants you to be the best for yourself and your parent. That is the reason why we have to point out the 7 Reasons Why Students Fail or Have Missed Score in Post UTME Exams.

It will be very disappointing for a hard working student like you to fail in the task of getting admission this year because if little mistakes you should avoid. These are summarized below:
Seven Reasons Why Students Fail or Have Missed Score in Post UTME Exams (1) Failure to Obey Instructions: Instructions in the examination hall is an examination itself. Failure to obey the instruction is failure to pass the examination. Simple! Do exactly what you are told to do and avoid doing what you are not told to do. (2) Spending too much time in One Questions: Time management in the exam hall is very important. Some students spend too much time on one question and before they realized, the time allotted for the exams has been exhausted. (3) Too much confident: Overconfidence makes some students to relax into reading. Being too much confident will harm you. This type of students only realizes that they are nobody only when the result is out (4) Shading with 2B instead of HB pencil. The OMR machine that will mark the answer sheets recognizes HB pencil. So using 2B pencil may confuse the machine either to score your wrongly or discard your answers (5) Shading wrong Personal details: If you shade your personal details wrongly, you will have a missing score. These personal details include; name, date of birth, jamb score etc. (6) Shading two answers at the same: Unless the answer demands shading of two answers at the same time, do not do this. Shading two answers will confuse the OMR marking machine and will make it to skip your answer (7) Malpractice: If you bring with you anything like expo into the exam hall, this can lead to your failure. Expo cannot help you to pass examinations, instead your God given brain. If you are caught, your paper will be squeezed immediately.
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