Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick Scholarship 2018/2019 : Funded to Study in UK

2018/2019 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) is now accepting applications from  overseas, full-time applicants to the Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick Scholarship A bequest to the School, by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick’s daughters Elsie and Daphne Kirkpatrick, endowed funding to set up scholarships ‘for the promotion and encouragement of study in the ophthalmic section’ in memory of their father. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick (1871–1958) was interested in ophthalmology from fairly early in his career. His career in the Indian Medical Service provided opportunities – through work in the General Hospital, Madras, the university and the Government Ophthalmic Hospital – to improve teaching and postgraduate training in pathology and ophthalmology. On retiring from Madras he was ophthalmic surgeon to the Tropical Diseases Hospital and lecturer in ophthalmology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick Scholarship Eligibility.

This scholarship is open to all overseas, full-time applicants who hold an offer of admission from the Registry for the MSc Public Health for Eye Care course.

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick Scholarship Benefits.

This full-time 1-year studentship will cover full tuition fees at the overseas fee rate and will provide a maintenance stipend of GBP 16,500.00 (a stipend of GBP 15,000.00 paid out as a monthly allowance, plus GBP 1,500.00 towards the successful candidate’s summer project costs), and GBP 1,100.00 towards an alumni workshop.
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How to Apply for Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick Scholarship.

Step 1: Submit an application for 2018-19 for a MSc Public Health for Eye Care, as per instructions under the ‘How to Apply’ tab. Applicants should ensure that all necessary supplementary documents (including references) are submitted via the School’s Admissions Portal by the scholarship deadline.
Please note: Evidence that you meet the School’s English Language requirements must be uploaded to your MSc programme application before the scholarship application deadline.
Step 2: Submit an online scholarships application, selecting the ‘Lt-Col Henry Kirkpatrick Scholarship 2018-19’ option from the drop-down menu. A completed Supplementary Questions Form for this scholarship must be uploaded as part of this application. This is the only attachment required in Step 2 (as applicants should have already submitted references; transcripts; a CV etc with their application for study). If you have any queries about the application process, scholarship requirements or application deadline, please contact our Scholarships team: [email protected] If you encounter any technical difficulties while using the online scholarships application form, in the first instance, please try clearing your browser cache and ensure that you are using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari. If this does not fix your technical issue, please contact the School’s IT Services team, providing your full name; the scholarship that you are applying for; and the technical issue that you have encountered. Please also attach a screen shot where possible. [email protected]. Please note that if you are successful in obtaining an award, you must agree to abide by the relevant Terms & Conditions. Scholarship Official Page Apply Before: The scholarship deadline is midnight (BST) on Thursday 29 March 2018.]]]]> ]]>

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