JAMB Admission Guideline, jamb registration official website, cbt test site jamb admission checker, jamb admission update, jamb result information on admission news today 2021, joint admissions and matriculation board info on jambadmission.com.ng, jamb latest cbt portal 2022/2023, jamb checker for 2022/2023 academic session.
How To Get Admission With Low JAMB Score Of 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100 into any Tertiary Institution In Nigeria – University, Polytechnic, and College Of Education.
You can now get admission into any federal and state university or polytechnic of your choice, thanks to JAMB Latest Admission Guideline you can now get Admitted with a low jamb score of 180, 170 160, 150, 140, 130, 120.
But not all institutions abide by the new JAMB Admission guidelines, that’s why we have provided an admission assistance consultation service that will make prospective students be admitted this year. So do not be frustrated about your present Jamb score, we will assist you in getting admission this year.
Education Consultation service
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Our Admission Assistance consultation service cost: N25,000
This is how it works, your O’level result (WAEC, GCE, NECO, NABTEB) will have to be complete, you must have written the just concluded JAMB examination. We will recommend five Universities, Polytechnics, And College Of Education you can choose from, after then be fully assured that your name will appear in the school’s 1st batch admission list.
So far so good, we have helped over 4000 candidates get Admission into their dream universities. We also assist candidates with admissions through JUPEB, IJMB, Prescience, Predegree, Continuous Education programs, Maritime, and lots more. You can help a friend with this wonderful information by sharing this post on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter using the social sharing button below this post.
Contact us
Get admitted into the 1st Batch merit Admission List with our professional Admission Assistance consultation service payment cost: N25,000
Call/Whatsapp/ Text :
Naijacommunications media.
Proofs of Admitted Candidates We’ve Assisted
Below are proofs and screenshots of candidates that we helped get admitted into their respective institutions in 2022/2023 academic session.
Below are some of the testimonials we received:
I’m Shola, I got admitted into UNILAG to study computer science with the help of Jambadmission.com.ng. I trust them and they’ve been helping a lot of Nigerian students excel. Shola, Ibadan
Jambadmission.com.ng Admission assistance service is real. I just got admitted into ABU ZARIA with their help to study Medicine and surgeon. I recommend them to every nigerian students. Abayomi Lagos
They helped me get Admitted into UNIBEN through Direct Entry to study Bussiness Administration after looking for D.E admission for two years. Albert, Anambra
Doing business with your company has really impressed me. First I thought it was a scam till I took the risk. Now am in UNIZIK 200 Level. Studying Pharmacy. God bless Jambadmission.com.ng. Richard, Lagos
I have been given admission to study Law in UNIMAID. Thanks to this Great team for helping me out. May Allah bless you. Mohammed, Maiduguri
When my school failed to give me admission and so many schools has finished giving admission, I contacted JambAdmission and they promised to help me. After 3 weeks I instantly got admitted into UNILORIN to study Chemical Engineering. May God bless this team abundantly. Mary, Abuja
First they helped me in JAMB 2021, then WAEC, made best results. After then I sent them my Post utme credentials now I just got admitted to study Political Science in UNN. Next year I will recommend my friends to this website and to them. Chidinma, Enugu
I have 177 in jamb and 8b3 in olevel result and 1 d 7 in mathematics and I want to study med and surgery in unilag
Sir i scored 170 in my jamb,what can i do to study medicine & surgery in LAUTECH
I scored 186 please can I study nursing in kwasu
Can I study in Alex ekwueme university with 150
Good evening sir, please i scored 156 in jamb. Can I get admitted in noun to study mass communication?
Yes you can.
I got 160 can I get admission into unilorin
Pls get 178 in jamb in i want to study english and literary in aksu will i be admitted
Sir please my jamb score is 173 please can I get admission into Kwasu to study public administration
I score 126
Sir please I scored 129 can I be admitted
I scored 163 in my jamb and I want to read public administration
Please can I be admitted, help please
I scored 129 can I b addicted sir please
Sir please I scored 139, can I be admitted into ajuru
Is it possible to gain admission with the help of jamb admission
I score 168 can I get addimission to study medicine and surgery
Pls i scored 146 in jamb,can i get admission into FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC ADO EKITI to study Civil Engineering.
I scored 113 can I go to the university
I score 153 can I gain admission to a university
Sir I score 158 in jamb can I get admission into unical
Sir i got 146 and i want to study computer engineering at lasu
I score 155 in my jamb and I want to enter oau can I get admission
I scored 164 in my jamb and I want to study mass communication at NSUK
I scored 145 in jamb
And I want to be admitted in Delta state university
Please I need your help
I scored 144 in jamb can I get admitted to poly
Sir,i scored 133 can i enter afit for aircraft engineering technology
Please sir,I scored 127 in my jamb.
What course can I be offered
I got 135 in my jamb and I want to read business administration in mapoly
I scored 157 can u assist me in gaining admission into imsu
I got 232 and I want to study pharmacy at uni ilorin
I got 202..can I study microbiology in AAUA
i scored 175 can i get your help to be admitted to MAUtech for electrical/electronic engineering?
Can i gain addimion with jamb of 185 to study med lab in unimaid
I wrote jamb last year,I scored 196 will Abu Zaria give me admission? Which year did I belong to ,is it 2019 or 2020
I scored 275 in JAMB, can I get medicine and surgery in uniport
Ubong Nicholas Ekpenyong
March 2020 jamb
i got 146 in jamb can i get admission in Accounting, University of Uyo, (Uniuyo)
I scored 228 in JAMB, can I study Law in Ansu?
I score 155 in jamb can i study MedLab
Hi I scored 168 in jamb can I gain admission in any uni or polytechnic to study computer science
I got 186 in jamb 2020 and I want to study pharmacy can it be possible.
The same here I score 192 want to study pharmacy
I get 158 what University can I go to to study mass comm
I scored 179 I jamb, want to study electrical engineering at delsu can I be admitted
I got 173 in jamb. can i study microbiology?
I scored 178, can I get admission with maritime Academy oron to study, electrical electronics engineering
I got 164 in jamb which university and course can i gwt
Please I scored 173 in jamb can I gain admission to study medical laboratory in imo State University imsu
Please I got 173 in jamb can I get admission to study medical laboratory in imsu I’m State University
O have 163 in jamb can I gain admission to funaab computer science
sir I got 170 and I want to read geography and planning can I get admission
I had 232 in jamb
Is there hope for me to study medicine if my UME score is high at UI??
I scored 201 in jamb can I get admission to study law
I got 161 in jamb pls can I be addmitted to AAUA criminology
I got 175 in jamb and I wanna study pharmacy in kano poly
Pls I got 187 in jamb can I get admission to study medicine in Anambra State University uli
Pls I scored 187 in jamb will I be given admission to study medicine in Anambra State University uli
I got 196 in jamb can I study physiology in funai
I got 196 in my jamb
I want pharmacy in unical
I scored 174
And I want to study nursing at unical
Pls I scored 210 in jamb can I get admission in RUST to study law
Or is there any other University I can change it to?
I scored 170 an I need electrical engineering as a course and I also did pre degree in oou pls will I be admitted to oou
Me too
I have 160 in my jamb can get Ed chemistry
I scored 183 and I want to study medicine in oou
Please I scored 191 can I study law in uniuyo? Please help me out
Pls sir I scored 171 in jamb,can I still get admission to study law at NDU.
Sir I score 160 can I be admitted into ibbu
I scored 195 in jamb can i be giving admission into funaab to study computer science
I got 170 buk apply for radiography
I scored 152 in jamb for performing art which university we I get
I score 149 and I want to study business administration in Yaba tech
168 am able to gain admission into ibadan poly as microbiology
I got 160 can ibbul admit me for microbiology
I got 148 and i want to study mass communication at kogi state universtity will i be admitted and am from the state
I have166 I want to study industrial relation and personnel management in lasu can I be admitted
I have 157 please which university can i go to
I secure 144 can I get addemition in international relationship
Please I want to study medicine and surgery in Uniuyo but I scored 200 and the cutoff mark is 227. Do I still stand a chance of gaining admission based on catchment area at least?
Pls I score 164 in my jamb can I gain admission at OUI
I really need admiSsion into university of portharcourt but have 165 as my score can i get with the course mechanical engineering this year
I scored 177 in my utme can I gain addmission in to Ado poly
I got 171 in jamb
I got 179 which school can i be admitted into
Please can i get admission into unical
My cut off mark was 156
Can i get admission
I have 120 which university should go
I scored 178 in jamb which federal university can I go
I scored 143 in jamb and I want to get admission into a state or federal University to study law
this is my WhatsApp number for more information you guys have for me 08141831641
please is 2020 admission still going on in NSUK?
Please I need assistance for my sisterto gain admission into Usman Danfodio University sokoto,she scored 216
Really want admission this year into university of calabar bun ma grade is low
I scored 170 and I want to study theater act
pls sir sir I,pass my jamb 185 I,was writing post utme in to umar musa yar adua University I,pass the agrigate 174.5 but still not give me admission
Pls sir,can I still gain admission into unilorin this year with 42% in post utme,202 in jamb and a very good o’level result?pls help me,I don’t want to stay at home dis year
When is the second list out
Pls sir i have 143 in my jamb pls can i gain addimition into maduguri poly pls sir
Please I need help for my son, he scored 264 in jamb and 287 post utme but up till now no admission please what can I do.
For which institution
U dey learn die they can’t score 287 in post utme
Please I choose Esut as my first choice and I scored 264 in jamb and 287 in their post utme but up till now I’ve not been admitted please what should I do. Medicine and surgery is my course
i got 161 in jamb and 189 in esut screening. can u help me scure admission pls
I scored 264 in jamb and 287 post utme for medicine and surgery please can I get admission in esut
Sir I got 206 in jamb and I want to study FST at Funaab what are my chances
Please I scored 157 in my jamb and I want to study business administration in federal polytechnic offa kwuara state and I have not been given addmision yet. Please help me?
I score 136 in my jamb what course will Ignatius AJURU University offer me
Please i check my addimision in jamb caps and i have seen not addited yet what is my chances of gaining addimision in A B U ZARIA
I have d7 in maths but score 206 in jamb can I b admitted into unijos
Please I choose OOU as my first choice and I scored 215 in jamb and 44% in their post UTME, but up till now I’ve not been admitted. Please what should I do
Mass communication is my course
I scored 187 in post utme… Can I get admitted in unn to study english
I scored 172 in jamb can I get adimision to crutech to study cvil Engineering
When is Unilorin going to release the third and fourth batch admission list for this year
I scored 155 in jamb.will I get admitted to laspotech
Edith I score 152 in my jamb and I wot to studying science lab technology in laspotech.will I gain it
I score 152 will dt accept me in polythnic
please i need ur help for my son he has 227 in jamb and his waec are Math – B3, Commerce – B3, English – C5, Civic Education – B3, Economics – C6, Marketing – C6 and Financial Accounting – B3 would like to study Economics or sociology in FUOYE
Good morning. Pls what are the conditions for change of course at unizik from Environmental science faculty to Medicine.l am at 200 level and would want to change to Medicine. Thanks.
i scored 181 in my jamb can i gain admission into unijos with my cours, geology and mining
I score 155 pls will I be admitted in nsuk to study microbiology
Yes khadija
you can admitted the skull because the high mark score
I have 166, but I don’t have asset to Nasarawa state university portal
Pls i score 168 in my jamb,can kaura namoda polytechnc offer me admsn?,wch i apply it in thrd choice,d course civil engineering
how will I get the form
To study Accounting in FUOYE, am I eligible and on point with the following scores?
Jamb 238
commerce A1
Economics B3
Accounting C6
English C6
Mathematics C5
please can i study theater and media art at fuoye cause i scored 180?
I scored 179 and want to study Law
i scored 163 in jamb can i study medical labouratory technology
i score 169 in jamb and i want to study medical biochemistry can i get admission into delta state university abraka
Pls now dat jamb has reduce the cut off mark to 160….can someone study pharmacy with 169
pls I scored 173 in jamb for history will I get admitted in udu? or is the Anyway u can help me please
Pls I scored 192 will I gain admission to study nursing in uniport
Pls I scored 200 can i get admmited into uniport for nursing
When are you going to release the 1st to 4th batch please
Pls I scored 192 will I gain admission to study nursing in uniport
A friend of mine had 277 in his jamb. What is his chance of gaining admission to study civil engineering in FUTA
I scored 145 in my jamb pls will be admitted to any university
Pls I have 173 jamb score..which university and course can I get
Pls I scored 173 in jamb for micro biology will call get admitted in aksu? Or is the anyway u can help me .pls
My aggregate is 47.25% for chemical engineering can I get admission into Yabatech
I got 172 and I want to study engineering at ilorin
I got 161 in jamb pls can I be addmitted to AAUA
I got 194 in jamb can get admission in ndu nursing
Can I study slt in yabatech with 158 in jamb?
I scored 161 in jamb how can I get admitted into ozoro