FUDutsin-Ma Details For 2017/2018 Acceptance Fee & Registration Details

Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, FUDMA acceptance fee payment and registration procedures for the 2017/2018 academic session. This is to inform all the candidates offered provisional admission into the Federal University Dutsin-Ma various degree programmes for 2017/2018 academic session that the management of the institution has released the procedure for acceptance of admission, registration and payments of school charges for both UTME (Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination) and DE (Direct Entry) candidates are attached below.

Federal University Dutsin-Ma Acceptance Fee and Registration Procedures.

Procedure for acceptance of admission:
  1. Successful UTME candidates should check the University website fudutsinma.edu.ng to re-confirm their admission status and the programmes of study for which they were admitted.
  2. Candidates are advised to study and note the specific Departmental subjects requirements before coming to the University to start
  3. All candidates should note that, the University requires Credit in English Language and Mathematics in all its programmes.
  4. Successful candidates are to report to the University for Clearance from Monday 13th November, to Friday, 1st December, 2017.
  1. Successful candidates who confirmed that their names are on the Admission list are to make a non-refundable payment of ten thousand naira (N10, 000.00) only for acceptance of  admission
    • Candidates are to log on unto remita.net and:-
    • Click on the ‘PAY A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY’ box which redirects you to a new page;
    • On the ‘Name of MDA’ box type FEDERAL UNIVERSITY DUTSINMA;
    • On the ‘Name of Service/Purpose’, click on the drop list and select ‘ADMISSION ACCEPTANCE FEEoption;
    • On the ‘Amount to pay’ a non-refundable fee of ten thousand naira (N10,000.00) only;
    • Complete the form and print. Proceed to any of the commercial banks and make payments through  remita;
  2. After payments, candidates are advised to come along with the evidence of payment from the bank to the University for collection of receipt.
  3. After Payment of Acceptance Fees, go to the University portal http://portal.fudutsinma.edu.ng/admissions to printout the following document and sign before moving to the registration centre:
    • Acceptance of Offer of Provisional Admission (Form FUDMA/02)
    • Undertaking Against Cultism (Form-FUDMA/01)
    • Printed copy of Letter of Provisional Admission
  4. Proceed to the screening centre with all required documents as listed below for screening and verification of
    • Signed copy of Acceptance of Offer of Provisional Admission (Form FUDMA/02) from the University Website;
    • Printed copy of Letter of Provisional Admission from the Portal;
    • Copy of Admission/JAMB result Slip
    • Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate;
    • Original and photocopy of O’ Level certificates/statement of results;
    • Two copies of passport photograph;
    • Letter of Reference from a person of reputable standing in the society vouching for your good behaviour;
    • A signed    copy    of   Undertaking     Against    Cultism    (Form    FUDMA/01)   downloaded     from    the    University     website fudutsinma.edu,ng’
READ:  Federal Poly Nekede Acceptance Fee Payment & Registration Procedures for 2021/2022 Newly Admitted HND Candidates
STEP –2: PAYMENT OF THE SCHOOL CHARGES STEP – 3 Hostel Accommodation (OPTIONAL)  Limited hostel accommodation is available on first-come-first-serve basis for male and female  students. Again, candidates are to generate remita and make a payment of Hostel Accommodation fee on the following procedures:
  1. Candidates are to log on unto remita.net and:-
    • Click on the ‘PAY A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY’ box which redirects you to a new page;
    • On the ‘Name of MDA’ box type FEDERAL UNIVERSITY DUTSINMA;
    • On the ‘Name of Service/Purpose’, click on the drop list and select ‘Hostel Accommodation Fee option;
    • On the ‘Department’ select your Department
    • On the ‘Faculty’ select your Faculty
    • On the ‘Course of Study’ select your programme
    • Complete the form and print. Proceed to any of the commercial banks and make payments through  remita;
  2. After payments, candidates are advised to come along with the evidence of payment from the bank to the University for collection of
Also, students are requested to carry along evidence of payment for hostel accommodation and other relevant documents    to the Student Affairs Deanery for further processing. Courses for the Semester Check the courses you are to offer in the first semester on the University portal. Make sure you don’t register more than 24 credit units.
READ:  FUD Remedial Admission Form for 2023/2024 Academic Session
Confirmation of Registration Once you fill your forms online and click submit, check back on the portal after 2 days using your username and password to print the approved registration forms. Support and Inquiries For any inquiry or support use the following help lines: For e-mails: [email protected], OR [email protected] Telephone and text message:  08050828501]]]]> ]]>

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