Beware of the purported University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN Liaison Offices in Ondo State selling Sandwich, Evening Degree and Diploma Programmes admission forms.
The attention of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) Management, has been drawn to a certain advertorial calling for purchase of admission forms for a “Proposed Take-off” of Sandwich and Evening Degree and Diploma Programmes of the University of Nigeria. The unsuspecting members of the public have been advised to purchase admission forms from the office of the Registrar-UNN or from the Ondo State Form Collection Centres at:
- Akure liaison office
- Owo Liaison Office
- Ore Liaison Office
- Akungba and Ifori Liaison Offices and
- Ifedore Area
I have 235 in jamb and my o’level result are Crk A1 ENG C4 govtB2 LIT B3 AND MATHS B2 any chance for me getting law in unizik or unn