Chidinma Okeke’s fourth Covered tape is out [Download now]

Chidinma Okeke’s fourth third second scandal Covered tape is out [Download video now]

Mis Chidima entreated other young girls to avail themselves of the possibility of accomplishing their dream in existence and shared some of her studies during inclusive of representing Nigeria on the pass over Intercontinental festival in Germany.

The managing Director and chief govt officer of the ABS, Nze Uche Nworah had in advance recommended the out going queen on the successful crowning glory of her tenure and wanted her nicely in life. He additionally announced that leave out Anambra 2016 initially scheduled to hold at the twenty eighth of October 2016 has been postponed and that a brand new date could be introduced later

The Association Of Beauty Pageant And Fashion Exhibition Organizer Of Nigeria, ABPFEON view it as a coupling obligation to stand and advance the morals of the association in genuineness and in truth. 
We are not unmindful of the disgraceful demonstration of an affirmed glamorous lady of Miss Anambra State Pageant on the unpalatable sexual video outrage that shook the web few days prior. This picture harming presentation is really censured by this association completely, as enlisted individuals from ABPFEON hate this go about as it is genuinely against the morals marked by enrolled Pageants and mold display brands and organizations. 
Relationship Of Beauty Pageant And Fashion Exhibition Organizers of Nigeria,ABPFEON is an enrolled association with CAC saddled with the duty to maintain in the privileges of the models/candidates furthermore checkmate the exercises of the expo and mold brands towards advancing the picture of Nigeria for national respects and universal acknowledgments. 
ABPFEON position in this circumstance and investigative disclosures are: 
1. That Miss Anambra Pageant is not an enlisted individual from the affiliation, and had no part or official delegate as a judge at the fantastic finale that perceives Miss Chidinma Okeke as a glamorous lady. 
2. That Chidinma Okeke is not perceived as a Beauty Queen by the relationship as no individual from a judge from the National body that scored her on the premise of Catwalk, Carriage, Intelligence, Moral Behavior and oral capability. 
3. That The said sickening video and suggestive tumbling was purportedly executed before she was delegated as a lovely lady. 
4. That ABPFEON which has more than 80 individuals and 21 enlisted expo and mold brands does not have Miss Anambra Pageant, and no illustrative from the exhibition was at the national tradition held early a year ago In Enugu State with a few others in participation. 
5. That Miss Anambra exhibition coordinators are not known to ABPFEON officials and the Miss Chidimna has not been seen to have gone to as a visitor to any event excellent finales of ABPFEON embraced challenge or mold appear. 
6.That The video was said to have been available for use before the possible immersion on the Internet with top state identities affirming it. 
7. That ABPFEON is not condemning the people or pictures seen on the viral spilled video however is denouncing it and approaching security organizations to examine and convey the guilty parties to book as Federal Republic of Nigeria has passed a law against Lesbianism, homosexuality and gay marriage which draws in 14 years detainment. 
8.That guardians, associations, brands, patrons and models ought not lose trust in the business as Nigeria event is likewise appraised very with a present part lovely lady packing First Class in United Kingdom college, Carried Peace Education Campaigns, Given Scholarships, Written Books shared for nothing, Opened Lucrative Businesses, Empowered the IDPS furthermore on record for a Nigerian glamorous lady to have won Miss world without precedent for Africa. 
This resolutions and investigative disclosures depend on the realities that maintain the uprightness of the all around recognized quality of ABPFEON, nonetheless we do counsel expo based associations and models to halt from acts that conveys blame to the brand. 
At long last, this is the remain of ABPFEON on the grounds that we have the thought of our individuals on a basic level and as we are related to World Beauty Organization, this is our determination. God favor Nigeria. “Be the change you need to see” 
The Executive Secretariat 
Abuja Headquarters

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