Candidates Shortlisted for PTDF Ph.D. Scholarship Selection Interview

Petroleum Technology Development Fund, PTDF invitation of shortlisted candidates for selection interview. Interviews for the selection of candidates for the award of 2017/2018 PTDF Scholarship in the Ph.D. category have been scheduled to hold from Monday, July 24, 2017 to Friday July 28, 2017 at the PTDF Corporate Office, Plot 1058 Memorial Drive, Central Business District, opposite ShehuMusaYar’adua Center, Abuja from 8 a.m. each day. Applicants are advised to visit the Application Website using their PIN. Successful candidates wilt be able to log on to the site and print out their notification slip containing necessary information, and instructions concerning the interview process. Click Here to Print Application Slip A total of 1008 candidates have been shortlisted to face a Central Selection Committee panel constituted from the academia, industry and research institutes. The memberswill interview the shortlisted candidates on their PhD. research proposals in the 9 priority areas for the award of the Ph.D. scholarship. These are Environmental Studies and HSE (Health Safety and Environment),Marginal fields development, Flow Assurance and Pipelines Engineering, Geology, and Petroleum Geology, Civil and Marine Engineering, Renewable Energy, Reservoir Engineering/Production Technology, Refining Technology, Ship Building and Marine Technology, and other relevant oil and gas related disciplines. Note

  • Invitations will also be sent via email/SMS.
  • Only those who met the requirements advertised are shortlisted and invited for the Interview
  • Award of the scholarship will be based strictly on performance at the interview.
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