BUK Direct Entry Admission Screening Form for 2017/2018 is Out

Bayero University Kano, BUK direct entry screening exercise registration for the 2017/2018 academic session has commenced. This is to inform all candidates who applied for Direct Entry admission into Bayero University, Kano, that there will be an ON-LINE screening exercise from Friday, 6th October 2017. Please note that only Candidates who applied through JAMB for Direct Entry Admission and chose Bayero University as their First Choice are eligible for the screening. BUK direct entry registration fee is N2,500 only.


Step 1: Go to http://mybuk.buk.edu.ng/bukdes2017/bukdes_login.php. Login using your DE Number, Programme Applied for and Gender. Step 2After successful login, you need to upload your recent passport size photograph. The photograph must be less than 32 KB in size and must be in either .jpgor .png format. Follow the following procedure to upload the photo.
  1. first click on the folder to select your photo
  2. The photo preview will be shown, then click on Upload button to actually upload the photo
  3. After successful upload, a link to the profile update page is shown.
Note that you cannot change your picture after your payment is processed Step 3Applicants are to provide their Date of birth, LGA, Phone Number used when registering with JAMB, Email address used when registering with JAMB, alternate Phone number (if any), alternate Email address (if any), Next of Kin, Phone Number of next of kin and Contact Address. Applicants cannot change their full name and state of origin. Step 4:   After successful profile update, you can then update your O’ Level results. Note that supplying false information will result in disqualification. You are allowed to supply a maximum of two different ‘O’ Level examinations results. You need to check on the declaration in order to be able to submit your O’ Levels. If you want to update/change your result, you have to resubmit all the information and previous information will be replaced with the updated information.
READ:  ABU Direct Entry Screening Form for 2023/2024
Step 5After successful updating your ‘O’ Level results, you can then update your ‘A’ Level results. Note that supplying false information will result in disqualification. You are to supply ONLY ONE ‘A’­–Level results. NCE holders are to supply the Education subject information first followed by two (2) teaching subjects. Double major holder should repeat their teaching subject twice Step 6: After successfully updating your ‘O’ Level results, you are ready to generate the BUK Personalised Payment Form (BUKPPF). The BUKPPF includes information need to make payment through the Remita e-Payments platform. Clicking on the Generate Your BUKPPF button generates the BUKPPF so that you can download and print it. Step 7: After successfully generated BUKPPF and using the Remita e-Payments platform a Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) number is generated for you. The RRR uniquely ties your payment to your application account. After obtaining your RRR, take it to any bank and make the payment. You can also pay electronically as indicated on the Remita platform. After making the payment, login to your application account and submit the RRR used for payment. Note that submitting the RRR in the application portal is not tied to your actual payment. Step 8: After your payment has been verified and processed you can processed to print your acknowledgement slip. Please send any enquiry to the following email address: [email protected] Any candidate who fails to do the ON-LINE SCREENING will not be considered]]]]> ]]>

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