WAEC 2017/2018 EXPO: Geography Objective and Theory Questions And Answers

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[05/04 2:12 pm] Naija Communications: Note
You Are To Answer Only 4 question
Settlements in geography are human
settlements ranging from a small village
with a population in the hundreds to large cities with a population in the tens of millions.
i)Stable Rural Settlements:
Any settlement in which most of the
people are engaged in agriculture,
forestry, mining and fishery is known
as a rural settlement.
ii)Site of Settlements:
The site, growth and development of
human settlements are closely influ­enced by the available soil, water,
forest and mineral resources.
The religious, military, and political
leaders and the dependents needed
food which was supplied by the tribe
through hunting or gathering.
The settlement may also have served
as a place to house women and
children, permitting the men to
wander further in their search for
i)Rural areas provide urban areas with food
ii)Rural areas provide urban areas with unskilled labour
iii)urban area provide rural areas with manufactured goods
iv)urban area provide rural areas with higher education
v)Rural areas provide urban areas with raw materials
[05/04 2:12 pm] Naija Communications: acurate
2 ai )
i ) Selling expensive or rare goods / services e . g . Nigeria
ii ) Providing jobs in industry or services
iii ) As an administratio
2 b)
i ) Rural areas provide urban areas with food
ii ) Rural areas provide urban areas with unskilled labour
iii ) urban area provide rural areas with manufactured goods
iv ) urban area provide rural areas with higher education
v ) Rural areas provide urban areas with raw materials
[05/04 2:12 pm] Naija Communications: 1Ai)
The greatest single factor in the history of
human population growth has been
developments in technology and the associated
social changes arising from it. From the first
development of tools to the development of
agriculture and the later rise of industry,
technology has expanded the resources available
for the support of large populations.
[05/04 2:29 pm] Naija Communications: 2ai)
-Industrial function
-Commercial function
-Administrative function
-Agricultural function
-Lumbering function
-Fishing function
-Provision of food:Urban areas depend on rural areas for food stuffs
-Unskilled labour supply:Unskilled labour supply usually come from rural to urban industries
-Medicinal herbs:Medicinal herbs and roots are usually bought from rural to urban areas for phamaceuticals

[05/04 2:35 pm] Naija Communications: 1Aii) 
In areas with balanced, healthy diets the
death rate will be lowered but in countries
with poor diets or a lack of food the death
rate will increase due to malnutrition.
Emancipation of women will reduce the birth
rate as women are able to get careers rather
than staying at home and nurturing children
also making them less likely to have
If proper social care is provided to the
elderly and they are well looked after, death
rate will be reduced since they are able to
live longer.
[05/04 2:35 pm] Naija Communications: 3a)
i)lack skilled workers and use
unskilled workers intensively.
ii)Developing nations are highly dependent on the advanced or
developed nations.
iii)Poor funding of industries.
iv)Most of their Raw materials are farm produce.
v)They manufacture goods to meet their immediate needs not for export
i)Raw Materials:
The significance of raw materials in
manufacturing industry is so
fundamental that it needs no
emphasising. Indeed, the location of
industrial enterprises is sometimes
determined simply by location of
the raw materials.
Regular supply of power is a pre-
requisite for the localisation of
industries. Coal, mineral oil and
hydro-electricity are the three
important conventional sources of
power. Most of the industries tend
to concentrate at the source of
No one can deny that the prior
existence of a labour force is
attractive to industry unless there
are strong reasons to the contrary.
Labour supply is important in two
respects (a) workers in large
numbers are often required; (b)
people with skill or technical
by land or water is
necessary for the assembly of raw
materials and for the marketing of
the finished products.
The entire process of manufacturing
is useless until the finished goods
reach the market. Nearness to
market is essential for quick
disposal of manufactured goods. It
helps in reducing the transport cost
and enables the consumer to get
things at cheaper rates.
-Industrial function
-Commercial function
-Administrative function
-Agricultural function
-Lumbering function
-Fishing function
-Provision of food:Urban areas depend on rural areas for food stuffs
-Unskilled labour supply:Unskilled labour supply usually come from rural to urban industries
-Medicinal herbs:Medicinal herbs and roots are usually bought from rural to urban areas for phamaceuticals
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