UN-Habitat Call for Urban Development Projects 2019 (Open to local and regional governments)

Deadline: September 30, 2019

UN-Habitat invites local and regional governments to submit their investable projects for consideration in the First Cities Investment Platform. The Cities Investment Platform at WUF10 provides an opportunity for you to present your city’s projects to a room of investors. This screening will help us to gain insights into projects, and determine how best to organise this session.

UN-Habitat and its partners will support in the preparation and drafting of project presentations. Presenters will have the opportunity to share their selected project by way of model or digital presentation.


The 10th Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10) will be a momentous occasion for all stakeholders in sustainable urbanization to come together, join forces and build new partnerships. The Cities Investment Platform, launched at WUF10, aims to bring together cities with investors, foster new partnerships and provide opportunities to make sustainable urbanization investable. Financing the delivery of the SDGs requires new approaches to project development and resource mobilisation.

This information will be used in two ways:

  • Chosen projects will have the opportunity to be presented in a high-level international setting to private and commercial investors.
  • The interactive session during WUF10 will provide a platform for city leadership to present specific projects to a core group of experts, including private and commercial investors as well as international development banks and financial institutions. These experts will respond with feedback, and provide suggestions and input on taking the projects forward towards investability.
  • In addition, all relevant projects submitted will have the chance to be included in an online database of projects, which will provide a digital platform by which investors can be connected to cities. The interactive database will continue beyond WUF10, and will support UN-Habitat’s ongoing activities with the Capital Advisory Platform.
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Participating cities will:

  • Have the opportunity to refine and turn existing projects into bankable investments
  • Gain experience in pitching to the international investment community
  • Engage at a high level with international organisations
  • Gain exposure to multiple development communities
  • Receive feedback on their direction from experts, practitioners including business and investors


  • This open call is aimed at local and regional governments.
  • Participating cities are invited to submit one project for consideration in this call.
  • This open call is for multiple city government departments including: planning, finance and public works and city manager/mayor.


  • Projects should have already undergone preliminary scoping, supported by a strong business case/plan and some feasibility studies
  • Clear connection to an existing/approved masterplan/urban development plan for the city
  • Expected investment requirement of at least $20 million
  • Preference given to projects based in cities in low or middle-income countries
  • Priority will be given to projects that present evidence of support from multiple levels of government and/or some committed public funding
  • The project can be in any sustainable urban development sector including, but not limited to: Affordable housing, Urban infill & public space, Transport & mobility, Roads & bridges, Slum upgrading, Waste management, Water & sanitation and Energy


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Initial online project submission shall be made through the link below and all applications must be received by no later than 1800 GMT on September 30, 2019. UN-Habitat and partner selection committee will review bids to determine the most appropriate for inclusion during the interactive session. A longlist of thirty (30) projects will be selected, and direction and guidance will be provided for cities in helping them prepare for the pitch.

Turn your existing city projects into bankable investments by submitting them below.

Click here to submit.

For more information, visit .

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