Sydney Environment Institute (SEI) Honours Research Fellowship 2020

Deadline Date: December 14, 2019

Are you a University of Sydney student applying for Honours in 2020? Are you interested in researching the impacts of climate change on society and the environment? Apply for the Sydney Environment Institute (SEI) Honours Research Fellowship 2020.

The SEI’s Honours Research Fellowships are awarded to outstanding undergraduates who have been accepted to study Honours in 2020. As a cross-disciplinary research Institute, SEI aims to broaden and develop public discourse on climate change and other significant environmental issues. While their research is predominately based in the humanities and social sciences, multidisciplinarity is core to their research mission and applications are open to students in any discipline across the University of Sydney.


  • The successful applicants will receive a bursary towards research costs at $2000, mentoring from SEI’s network of researchers and the opportunity to create content for SEI’s blog.


  • Applicants should be intending to undertake environmental research that is in line with at least one of SEI’s core research areas: Adaptation; Transition; Water; Culture; Food Systems; Sustainability; Justice and World Making.
  • Have an overall mark of at least 70% across undergraduate units.
  • Enrolled at the University of Sydney and applied for/been accepted into Honours for Semester 1, 2020.
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If you are interested in applying, send an email to the SEI’s Deputy Director Michelle St Anne via, with the subject heading ‘Application for 2019 Honours Research Fellowship’. Your email must include a completed copy of the 2020 Honours Fellowship Application Form.

The body of your email should consist of a brief personal introduction and with details on your current Degree and status, your major(s) and department or school, and your Honours Supervisor (if known). Please note that the Institute is not responsible for finding you a supervisor.

Along with your application form, please attach (in Word or PDF format):

  • Proof that you have applied/been accepted to undertake Honours in semester 1, 2020. This can include a copy of your acceptance letter, or evidence of your pending application.
  • A copy of your most recent academic transcript (it does not need to be a certified copy).
  • Your CV with details on your academic/non-academic achievements.
  • A writing sample of (no more than 500 words). This can include an extract from a past essay, and it does not need to be on an environmental topic, as it will be used to gauge writing.

For more information, visit SEI Honours Research Fellowship.

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