The University of Alberta is now accepting Rutherford Scholarship applications from qualified undergraduate students in partnership with Alexander Rutherford. It is a partially funded scholarship for all students. Scroll down to read in details.
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They named this scholarship in honour of Alexander Rutherford, who had the distinction of being Alberta’s first Premier and Minister of Education. He was known for his powerful support of public education, particularly the University of Alberta, and his active involvement in community affairs.
Purpose of Rutherford Scholarship
To recognize and reward the academic achievement of senior high school students and encourage them to pursue post-secondary studies.
Up to $2,500
Apply once your official high school transcript marks are available and when you are enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. Requirements for high school transcript marks will vary.
To receive this scholarship, you must also meet these eligibility criteria:
1. Be a Canadian Citizen, a Permanent Resident of Canada or a Protected Person under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Visa students are not eligible);
2. Be an Alberta resident, and to be considered an Alberta resident, the following conditions must apply:
a) one parent or legal guardian must have maintained permanent residence in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the applicant beginning a program of study;
b) applicant has maintained permanent residence in Alberta at least 12-months prior to beginning a program of study;
c) applicant is not eligible to receive a scholarship regarding any grade unless the applicant or the applicant’s parent(s)/legal guardian were a resident in Alberta throughout the whole of that grade.
Be enrolled in a full course load in a designated post-secondary or an apprenticeship program of at least one semester in length.
You may only be awarded the Alexander Rutherford scholarship once.
Selection Process for Rutherford Scholarship
A student must have a minimum combined average based on five designated courses in at least one grade. Grade 10, 11 or 12 as calculated from:
A) Alberta Residents:
Courses/marks on an official Alberta Transcript of High School Achievement
B) Completed High School Outside Alberta
Courses/marks that appear on an official high school transcript attained in another province
Students will automatically be considered for the following awards when they apply for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship. There is no separate application required for these awards.
June 30th 2022
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