PTDF PhD Scholarship Candidates 2021/2022 Application Portal

The Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) released the PTDF PhD Scholarship Candidates for 2021/2022. These shortlisted candidates will be offered a fully-funded scholarship. Scroll down to read in details.

PTDF PhD Scholarship Candidates

About PTDF PhD Scholarship Candidates

The PTDF scholarship award selection process reflects the Fund’s firm commitment to promoting meritocracy while adhering to the Federal Character principles and the Local Content stipulations.

Applicants are advised to visit the Application Website using their PIN. Successful candidates will log on to the site and print out their notification slip containing information on the time and venue of their tests.

1008 candidates have been shortlisted to face a Central Selection Committee panel made up of academia, industry and research institutes. The members will interview the shortlisted candidates on their PhD research proposals in the 9 priority areas for the award of the PhD scholarship.

These are Environmental Studies and HSE (Health Safety and Environment), Marginal fields development, Flow Assurance and Pipelines Engineering, Geology, and Petroleum Geology, Civil and Marine Engineering, Renewable Energy, Reservoir Engineering/Production Technology, Refining Technology, Ship Building and Marine Technology, and other relevant oil and gas related disciplines.

Below are centres for each geo-political zone:

  • Port-Harcourt South-South
  • Lagos South-West
  • Bauchi North-East
  • Kaduna North-West
  • Abuja North-Central
  • Enugu South-East

Documents PTDF PhD Scholarship Candidates Must Keep Close

1. National Identity Number (i.e. ‘NIN’)

READ:  OppU Achievers Fall Scholarship 2019 for US citizens

2. Original and photocopies of your credentials, including a demand for a transcript from your school

3. Birth Certificate/ Age declaration/Affidavit.

4. Local government identification certificate/certificate of origin

5. Eight Recent passports

6. Filled guarantor’s form



  • Invitations will also be sent via email/SMS.
  • Only those who met the requirements advertised are shortlisted and invited for the Interview
  • The award of the scholarship will be based strictly on performance at the interview.

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