OneBeat International Music Exchange Program 2020 for Emerging Musical Leaders

Deadline Date: December 20, 2019

Applications are open for the OneBeat International Music Exchange Program 2020. OneBeat brings together emerging musical leaders from around the world to collaboratively create original work and to develop a global network of civically engaged music initiatives.

OneBeat is a music exchange and incubator for music-based social entrepreneurship, where innovative musicians from around the world launch collaborative projects designed to make a positive impact on local and global communities. An initiative of the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with the groundbreaking New York-based music organization Bang on a Can’s Found Sound Nation, OneBeat employs collaborative original music as a potent new form of cultural diplomacy.

The program will be 30-33 days in length. While in the U.S. the Fellows will participate in a two-week residency, during which they will develop and rehearse original material. They will then go on a 10-14 day tour, during which they will perform the music they developed and rehearsed during the residency period. Throughout the program Fellows will develop and lead creative workshops for youth and community groups.


  • All costs will be covered for OneBeat Fellows, including travel and accommodations.
  • Fellows will also receive a per diem and a modest honorarium.
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  • Applicants must be between 19 and 35 year old during the program dates (Fall 2020, exact dates TBD)
  • Applicants should be able to converse in and understand basic English, as it will be the common language of the OneBeat program

Eligible Countries

Albania, Algeria, Barbados, Bolivia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greenland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, United States, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zimbabwe

Review Criteria

  • Musical Excellence – A high level of performance, composition, improvisational, production and/or technological skill. Ideally OneBeat musicians will be innovating stylistically, lyrically, or technologically within their musical worlds.
  • Collaboration – Applicants’ willingness to reach across cultural and musical divides in creating original music or re-interpreting traditional music, while respecting the essence of each tradition. Applicants should be prepared to try new things musically.
  • Social Engagement – Musicians who have used music to serve their communities or greater societies. This might consist of guiding young people in music education, addressing social or political issues through musical content, reviving dying musical traditions, and more.
  • Country or Territory of Origin – OneBeat Fellows must currently live full-time in one of the 44 eligible countries and territories.
  • They also seek applicants who have not traveled extensively to the U.S. or have rarely performed in the U.S.
  • Internet Proficiency – Whenever possible, OneBeat Fellows should actively use email and be able to connect to the internet to participate in OneBeat website-based activities.
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Click here to apply

For more information, visit OneBeat.

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