Apply for the McCain Institute Next Generation Leaders Program 2022 are now open. The McCain Global Leaders Program supports character-driven leaders from around the world who embody Senator John McCain’s legacy of serving a cause greater than oneself.

December 31, 2021
Structured as a 10-month fellowship and experiential learning experience, each cohort will include 25 diverse leaders from around the world who are working “in the arena” to advance democracy, human rights and freedom. The program is designed to advance each leader’s personal and professional leadership journey and impact by providing training, resources and access to highly relevant regional and global networks with the goal of preparing today’s leaders to meet tomorrow’s challenges.
- Participants will not receive a stipend, but the direct costs of their participation in the program (economy class travel, hotels, and meals and incidentals) will be fully covered by the McCain Institute. There will be no cost of participation other than the time commitment that MGLs make to participate in programming.
- Applicants should be mid-career professionals, possess working proficiency in English, and actively work on the focus issue areas of the program.
- Aspiring McCain Global Leaders (MGLs) should work in a leadership role in their field, and actively be “in the arena” striving to enact change in their home communities.
- Applicants should be committed to serving a cause greater than oneself and should be invested in full participation in virtual engagements, in-person programs and post program alumni activities.
- There is no minimum educational requirement.
All application materials should be sent as attachments on one email to In the email subject line use the following format: Last Name- First Name- MGL Application.
Click here to download the application form
For more information, see FAQ and visit McCain Institute.
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