MAECI/ICGEB WE-STAR Fellowships 2022 for Early-career African Female scientists

Apply now for the MAECI/ICGEB WE-STAR Fellowships 2022. Are you an early-career female scientists from the African Continent interested in a fellowship in one of the ICGEB laboratories?

MAECI/ICGEB WE-STAR Fellowships 2022 for Early-career African Female scientists


January 28, 2022

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) have partnered to offer early-career female scientists from the African Continent, mobility fellowships of 6 to 12 months at the ICGEB laboratories in Trieste (Italy), New Delhi (India) and Cape Town (South Africa), to perform research work on biotechnology and related fields, including Health (Infectious Diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases), Sustainable and Effective Agriculture, Industrial Biotechnology and Renewable Energy.


  • Monthly stipend: Euro 1,300 for PhD students and Euro 2,000 for postdoctoral fellows, or equivalent.
  • A bench fee allowance of Euro 500/month or equivalent will be paid as a contribution to the receiving laboratory to cover the purchase of laboratory consumables that are directly related to the WE-STAR Fellow’s research activities.
  • Travel: the fellowship includes provision for travel expenses from the participant’s home country to the host lab at the beginning of the fellowship and a return travel provision upon completion of the fellowship. Medical health insurance coverage is provided for the duration of the fellowship.
  • Visa/permit of stay application and renewal costs are reimbursed.
  • ICGEB makes no financial provision, nor can it provide administrative support for family members of participants in the program.
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  • Applicants must be nationals of ICGEB Member States in the African Continent;
  • Applicants may not apply for fellowships to be undertaken in their country of origin unless working abroad at the time of application;
  • Pre-docs having completed their university degree and enrolled in a PhD course, as well as postdoctoral researchers having completed their PhD or equivalent may apply. Tentatively, 5 – Pre-doc and 5 post-doc fellowships will be awarded;
  • No age limit applies, but preference will be given to candidates below the age of 45;
  • Good working knowledge of English is mandatory.

Selection Criteria

The main criteria for selection include the scientific excellence of the project, the qualities of the candidate’s CV, and the potential benefit in terms of mentoring and acquisition of new expertise.


  • Applicants should contact the ICGEB Group Leader/PI of their choice in Trieste, New Delhi, or Cape Town by sending a motivation letter and an outline of the proposed research project (2 pages maximum), to determine the availability of laboratory space and define the proposal that will form an integral part of the application.
  • Proposed projects must be innovative and fall within the ICGEB research domain namely Infectious Diseases, including research on SARS-CoV-2, Non-Communicable Diseases, Medical Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, and Plant Biology and Biotechnology. A written statement from the Principal Investigator who is willing to support your project is mandatory to apply.
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Complete the application online. You will be allowed to complete a portion of the application form and return later to finish the rest. Before starting the application online, kindly carefully read the call guidelines and FAQ.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit WE-STAR Fellowships.

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