Jean Monnet Prize for European Integration 2021

Apply for the Jean Monnet Prize for European Integration 2021. The Jean Monnet Prize for European Integration aims at honouring Jean Monnet’s memory and life achievements. It does so by rewarding talented individuals or groups having contributed to supporting or strengthening European Integration through a project they designed and implemented. Scroll down to read in details.

Jean Monnet Prize for European Integration 2021 (€1,500 grant)


October 9, 2021 takes a broad view of European integration and believe it is as much about the people than about institutions. Many projects can therefore be considered to contribute to European integration or promote the European spirit.

You bring European citizens together across borders? Apply! You create or facilitate exchange programs within the EU? Apply! You contribute to language learning or cultural encounters? Apply! Your project promotes the discovery of European history or shared knowledge about our heritage? Apply!


  • The winning project receives a €1,500 grant.


  • All projects either implemented or under implementation promoting European integration can apply to the Jean Monnet Prize.
  • believes that people’s imagination and creativity are endless; this is why they are opening wide the range of projects they can support. If your project relates to the EU, they want to hear about it!


The application period is open until October 9, 2021 at 23:59 CET. No late applications will be accepted. Applications are to be made exclusively using the online form. No paper or email applications will be considered. Applications must be made in English.

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Click here to apply

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