JAMB 2018/2019 Change Of Course/Institution and Closing Date

JAMB 2018/2019 Change Of Course/Institution and Closing Date

We know somany candidates would like to change their course/institution because of various reasons. We thank God that such opportunities are provided by jamb to ease frustration and better plan for this 2018/2019 Jamb Admission procedures. Know that this process has begun and it will only be done at the accredited CBT Centers.
This is jambadmission.com.ng where all 2018/2019 Jamb news would be updated in, if you want to know your departmental cut off mark for your choice school then visit Schoolnews.ng all post utme news is currently updated there
Before you Decide to check if this process has started at an accredited CBT Centre around you, please you must adhere to the following;
Enquire about the Changes of Course/Institution you would like to make changes to.

JAMB change of course 2018 closing date

Please endeavor to research on the that the school you are changing to and make sure it does not require cut-off marks higher than your score. VisitSchoolnews.ng for all University, polytechnic cutoff marks.

  • You can change one or all your courses/institutions at the same time.
  • once the form is submitted, you can no longer make any changes again. Change of institution can only be done once
  • you select a Course/Institution that aligns with your subject combination. If you don’t do this, your school will screen you out. Please use the Online JAMB Brochure to verify.
  • There may be a limited number of schools or courses you can change to, so be sure to have 3 or 4 options, just in case the one you want to change to is not available.
  • There may be a limited number of schools or courses you can change to, so be sure to have 3 or 4 options, just in case the one you want to change to is not available.
  • You could be charged about N2,500 to effect this change. Payment is convinient as you would be using online card payment.
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Please use the Online JAMB Brochure to ensure the course you are choosing is done in your choice institution.

Candidates/Jambites can now make corrections for the following categories:

  • Correction of Name
  • Gender
  • State/LGA of Origin
  • Choices of Institution/Courses
  • Date Of Birth.


Follow the procedure outlined below to effect any of the changes above:

  1. Go to JAMB portal at http://www.jamb.org.ng/efacility/.
  2. Login with your Email and Password.
  3. Click on ‘Registration (2018 only)’ from the list of services on the left side.
  4. From the drop down, select ‘2018 UTME Data Correction‘.
  5. Then proceed to payment.

After payment, proceed to either the closest JAMB office or a JAMB accredited centre to complete the process.
Visit the nearest CBT Centre for this correction.

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