JAMB CBT Marking Scheme For 2016 UTME

This info is for prospective 2016 Jamb Candidates who are about to write this 2016 jamb which comes up in next few weeks time that the Marking Scheme for the ongoing 2016 UTME Is stated below.

To help those who don’t know what marking scheme
means, it may be defined as an educational
terminology used to describe a plan or guidelines
used in the marking of school children’s or
students’ written work (exam or test) by teaching
staff (or exam body).

jambadmission.com.ng have made contacts with the
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board to
figure out JAMB marking scheme for 2016
Computer Based Test whose results are currently
being released on a daily basis. While we are not
categorically sure of any hidden secrets behind
the marking system, we believe that the
information contained below will show candidates
how their papers are marked.

First, recall that JAMB gives an aggregate of two
hundred and fifty questions to each candidate.
Out of these 250 answerable questions are 100
from Use of English Language and average of 50
each from three (3) other subjects chosen by the

The total (highest) score a candidate can obtain
in JAMB is 400 – of which no one has been able
to get this mark as history would have it. So
whatever score a candidate have is graded over
Since all questions carry equal marks the
mathematics involved in calculation of each
candidates’ score can be as thus. Let’s say you
obtain 180 correct answers out of 250 questions
given. This would give you (180/250 * 400%) =
(0.72 * 400%) = 288. This calculation is
generalized for aggregate/total score but similar
step is followed to know scores subject-by-

Incoming tags: JAMB CBT Marking Scheme For
2016 UTME, subject score for 2016 jamb

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