International Student Articulation Scholarship at Griffith University in Australia, 2020

Scholarship in Australia

International Student Articulation Scholarship at Griffith University in Australia, 2020

Griffith University presents the International Student Articulation program, to help in reducing the cost of the study in fast developing world.

This opportunity is applies to all international students with the purpose of supporting their undergraduate or postgraduate study expenses. We recommend you also know: Scholarship in Stanford University

48 years ago in 1971 Griffith University was founded. It is a public research university which offers a full suite of bachelor, master and research degree program in Australia.

Why at Griffith University?

At Griffith University, applicants have enough range of degree level courses. They will learn from some of the best university teachers who are devoted to helping applicants in reaching their career goals.

Eligibility Of Articulation Scholarship at Griffith University

Eligible Countries: Citizens of a country other than Australia or New Zealand are eligible.

Acceptable Course or Subjects: They can join an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program at the university.

Admissible Criteria: Must be enrolling as a full-time student at the university and have not received any other award from the university or any other institute. We also recommend you read Top 10 US New College Ranking 2019

How to Apply for Articulation Scholarship at Griffith University

How to Apply: Candidates have to register themselves in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program through the online link. After registration, they will be automatically awarded from the fund.

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Supporting Documents: Academic transcripts or certificates, copy of the passport, curriculum vitae, and language ability proof must be attached.

Admission Requirements: A high school diploma for an undergraduate course and an undergraduate degree for a postgraduate course are required.

Language Requirement: Aspirants need to demonstrate their English language ability through the TOEFL or IELTS test if English is not their first language.

Benefits: The educational fund will cover the 10% of tuition fee for the first two semesters of study.

Application Deadline: The application date of the bachelor or postgraduate degree course of 2020 is the deadline of this grant. The university recommends you apply for undergraduate and postgraduate programs by:

30 January (to start Trimester 1)

30 May (to start Trimester 2)

30 September (to start Trimester 3)

Apply Now

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