We receive a heart warming success story from Glory Orejesu Ajay from Nigeria. She has just been selected as a 2019 Commonwealth Shared Scholar! Among other benefits, Glory Orejesu will be flying to the United Kingdom for her Master’s study.
Read her note below:
“Hello everyone! The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship application is open and many seem to have been caught unawares or somewhat unprepared. However, others are very scared of not being selected. Well, not to worry, I’m here to say you can do it. Sincerely.
I heard about the scholarship for the first time from Olaoluwa Abagun who only mentioned it in passing that she was a Scholar in one of our conversations. I picked it up from there and went on to do my research about it and took note of the application timeline. Prior to that time, I had put in for admissions at various UK universities in preparation for the scholarship but to my amazement, the schools I was offered admission weren’t on the list that year. Unusually, I didn’t feel bad, but reviewed the list of eligible courses and applied for admission at the University of Warwick, since it had a course that aligned with my career direction. I worked on it alongside my Commonwealth application. Actually, I didn’t think about the selection criteria at all but I put in my best in the application with the little experience I had in my chosen career.
The application essays were really tough but I pushed through despite different challenges. I fell sick at some point during the process but I didn’t give up or stop giving my best (reviewing, receiving feedback, reflecting and rewriting). I told myself that it was better to attempt it, and if it doesn’t work out I will know that I didn’t chicken out along the way. Through hard work, tenacity, resilience and God’s favor, I found myself receiving two competitive and prestigious awards: The University of Sussex Chancellor’s International scholarship and the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship.
The essence of this short piece is to encourage someone who has a dream to study abroad through a fully funded scholarship. Please give it a good shot. If I could get it at my first attempt, you can too!
As Nike caption says “Just Do It”.
Ciao, Glory OréJésu Ajayi”
Congratulations Glory Orejesu Ajay! All the very best from all of us here at Colleges Rank!
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