European Journalism Centre Global Health Security Fund Call 2021

Apply for the European Journalism Centre Global Health Security Fund Call 2021. The Call is a project that will deliver grant funding and facilitate research opportunities to support in-depth journalistic analysis on the topic of global health security.

European Journalism Centre Global Health Security Fund Call 2021 (up to $7,500)


November 5, 2021

As innovation during COVID-19 demonstrated, when there is public awareness, political will, and investment commensurate to the need, science can rapidly meet the moment and save lives. Despite the unprecedented pace of innovation, COVID-19 also showed how the Global Health R&D ecosystem still falls short, leaving huge parts of the world behind.

In-depth media coverage of issues such as pandemic preparedness, vaccine development, and equitable access is essential to keeping the topic of global health security on the public agenda and encouraging European governments to prioritise their funding commitments.


  • The Call will provide grants of up to USD $7,500 per project.


  • Applicants must be freelance or permanently employed individual journalists (staff journalists), or small teams of journalists, and should be experienced in reporting on the topic of health, science, development and/or policy.
  • There is no citizenship, nationality or residence/ location restriction on the applicants.
  • Applicants should have a track record of publication in respected media outlets in one or more of the following countries: France, Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway or Sweden.
  • Freelance applicants should be signed up to a press regulator, trust initiative, or part of a press association
  • Applicants must have a bank account that accepts international payments.
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  • Applicants must complete, in full, the dedicated application form and provide requested documentation including:
    • a project budget
    • relevant policy/ procedure/ supporting documents
      • for freelancers, a minimum of two of the following should be published on your website or available via upload: Mission statement, Privacy policy/ data protection policy, Relevant qualification(s) in journalism or related field(s), Current CV/ history of working with trusted news organisations (in one or more of the seven target countries), History of working in/reporting on the topic of health, science, development and/or policy, Press card
      • for organisations, a minimum of three of the following should be published on your website: Mission statement, Editorial policy, Code of conduct, Transparency statement, Complaints procedure, Diversity policy, Privacy policy, Whistleblower policy

To apply follow the process:

  • Read the Call For Applications document thoroughly
  • Download the application process, this makes it easier to prepare before filling out the online webform. Note: only the filled out webform will be considered. The below document is solely to support the application process.
  • Login or create a new account
  • Start the application process and follow the application wizard.
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Click here to apply

For more information, visit EJC.

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