Environmental Reporting Collective (ERC) Training Grant 2021

Apply now for the Environmental Reporting Collective (ERC) Training Grant 2021.

Environmental Reporting Collective (ERC) Training Grant 2021 (up to $2,500)


November 20, 2021

The Environmental Reporting Collective are offering training grants for journalists and newsrooms to organise self-tailored training programs for themselves, but which are also open to other ERC partner newsrooms and journalists. Grantees will organise the training themselves, with assistance from the ERC Core Team.


  • They are offering three grants with a total of US$2,500 each.


  • News organisations, training providers and journalism-related organisations from all over the world are welcomed to apply.
  • The training program should target journalists as participants and is open for other ERC partner newsrooms and journalists to participate. Hence the program should be conducted online or hybrid (mix of both online and face-to-face).

Additional Information

  • Grantees will have the support of ERC’s team in securing speakers, experts, resources, and other technical requirements.
  • Grantees are expected to deliver their training programs within a 2-4 week period in the month of December 2021.
  • Grantees are recommended to promote its work, and build networks with other partners.
  • Grantees must submit a report on their training program outcomes after it is completed.


Applicants will be required to submit a training proposal (maximum 300 words), including an itemised budget.

READ:  A Complete Guide for Writing Academic Essays

Click here to apply

For more information, visit ERC Grant.

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