Environment America Fellows Programme 2019/2020

Deadline Date: On Rolling Basis

Applications for the Environment America Fellows Programme 2019/2020 are now open. Environment America’s mission is to transform our ideas and imaginations into change that makes our world a greener and healthier place. They do what it takes to turn public opinion and political momentum toward a greener, healthier world. If that’s what you want to do, apply today.

Fellows will

  • Build powerful coalitions: Reach out to small business owners, farmers, public health officials and others to demonstrate support for our policy goals.
  • Earn traditional media and social media attention: Organize news conferences and write opinion pieces. Build a following on Facebook and Twitter for your campaigns.
  • Lobby elected officials: Coordinate strategy with a champion in Congress. Make a convincing case to a legislator who is undecided on a particular vote. Work the “inside game” to complement our outside field operation, where most of our power is derived.
  • Research and write reports: Catalogue and analyze sources of carbon pollution in the U.S. Detail the success of the Clean Water Act in our reports. Help influence public debate and earn media attention for our cause.
  • Identify and cultivate donors: Reach out to foundations and major donors and ask them to fund our work to tackle global warming, promote clean energy and protect our most spectacular natural areas.
  • Run a grassroots campaign office each summer of your fellowship: Hire and manage a staff of 20 canvassers. Raise money, build our organization and membership, and help win one of our key campaigns.
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  • The target annual compensation for this position is $27,500 in the first year. Environment America offers a competitive benefits package. They also offer an excellent training program and opportunities for advancement.


  • Open to citizens of America who live in any state in the US and share the passion for the environment.
  • Environment America is an equal opportunity employer.


Click here to apply

For more information, visit Environment America Fellows.

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