List Of Courses Offered In Stanford University For 2020/2021 Academic Session

We have successfully compiled List Of Courses Offered In Stanford University For 2020/2021 Academic Session. Before you get the application form of Stanford University ,you should at least consider the courses you are interested in  with its tuition fee. We have also listed tuition fees of Stanford University courses and department. Know the amount that is paid for each course. We have gotten the below information from

List Of Courses Offered In Stanford University For 2018/2019 Academic Session
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List Of Courses Offered In Stanford University For 2020/2021 Academic Session


Graduate School of Business

Accounting (ACCT)
Economic Analysis & Policy (MGTECON)
Finance (FINANCE)
GSB General & Interdisciplinary (GSBGEN)
Human Resource Management (HRMGT)
Marketing (MKTG)
Operations Information & Technology (OIT)
Organizational Behavior (OB)
Political Economics (POLECON)
Strategic Management (STRAMGT)

School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences

Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences (EARTH)
Earth Systems (EARTHSYS)
Earth, Energy, & Environmental Sciences (EEES)
Energy Resources Engineering (ENERGY)
Environment and Resources (ENVRES)
Earth System Science (ESS)
Geological Sciences (GEOLSCI)
Geophysics (GEOPHYS)
Sustainability Science and Practice (SUST)
Woods Institute for the Environment (ENVRINST)

School of Education

Education (EDUC)

School of Engineering

Aeronautics & Astronautics (AA)
Bioengineering (BIOE)
Chemical Engineering (CHEMENG)
Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)
Computational & Mathematical Engineering (CME)
Computer Science (CS)
Design Institute (DESINST)
Electrical Engineering (EE)
Engineering (ENGR)
Management Science & Engineering (MS&E)
Materials Science & Engineer (MATSCI)
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Scientific Computing & Comput’l Math (SCCM)

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School of Humanities & Sciences

African & African American Studies (AFRICAAM)
African & Middle Eastern Languages (AMELANG)
African Studies (AFRICAST)
American Studies (AMSTUD)
Anthropology (ANTHRO)
Applied Physics (APPPHYS)
Arabic Language (ARABLANG)
Archaeology (ARCHLGY)
Art History (ARTHIST)
Arts Institute (ARTSINST)
Art Studio (ARTSTUDI)
Asian American Studies (ASNAMST)
Asian Languages (ASNLANG)
Biology (BIO)
Biology/Hopkins Marine (BIOHOPK)
Biophysics (BIOPHYS)
Catalan Language Courses (CATLANG)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies (CHILATST)
Chinese (CHINA)
Chinese Language (CHINLANG)
Classics (CLASSICS)
Communication (COMM)
Comparative Literature (COMPLIT)
Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity (CSRE)
Dance (DANCE)
Division of Literatures, Cultures, & Languages (DLCL)
Drama (TAPS)
East Asian Languages & Cultures (EALC)
East Asian Studies (EASTASN)
Economics (ECON)
English (ENGLISH)
English for Foreign Students (EFSLANG)
Ethics in Society (ETHICSOC)
Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies (FEMGEN)
Film Production (FILMPROD)
Film Studies (FILMSTUD)
French Language (FRENLANG)
French Studies (FRENCH)
German Language (GERLANG)
German Studies (GERMAN)
Global Studies (GLOBAL)
History (HISTORY)
History & Philosophy of Science (HPS)
Human Biology (HUMBIO)
Human Rights (HUMRTS)
Humanities Core (HUMCORE)
Humanities & Sciences (HUMSCI)
Iberian & Latin American Cultures (ILAC)
Institute for International Studies (FSI) (IIS)
International Policy (INTLPOL)
International Relations (INTNLREL)
Italian Language (ITALLANG)
Italian Studies (ITALIAN)
Japanese (JAPAN)
Japanese Language (JAPANLNG)
Jewish Studies (JEWISHST)
Korean (KOREA)
Korean Language (KORLANG)
Latin American Studies (LATINAM)
Linguistics (LINGUIST)
Mathematical & Computational Science (MCS)
Mathematics (MATH)
Medieval Studies (MEDVLST)
Modern Thought & Literature (MTL)
Music (MUSIC)
Native American Studies (NATIVEAM)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physics (PHYSICS)
Political Science (POLISCI)
Portuguese Language (PORTLANG)
Psychology (PSYCH)
Public Policy (PUBLPOL)
Religious Studies (RELIGST)
Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies (REES)
Science, Technology, & Society (STS)
Slavic Language (SLAVLANG)
Slavic Studies (SLAVIC)
Sociology (SOC)
Spanish Language (SPANLANG)
Spanish, Portuguese, & Catalan Literature (ILAC)
Special Language Program (SPECLANG)
Stanford in Washington (SIW)
Statistics (STATS)
Symbolic Systems (SYMSYS)
Theater and Performance Studies (TAPS)
Tibetan Language (TIBETLNG)
Urban Studies (URBANST)

READ:  Stanford University Courses Tuition Fees for 2018/2019 Scheduled Academic Session

Law School

Law (LAW)
Law, Nonprofessional (LAWGEN)

School of Medicine

Anesthesia (ANES)
Biochemistry (BIOC)
Biomedical Data Science (BIODS)
Biomedical Informatics (BIOMEDIN)
Biosciences Interdisciplinary (BIOS)
Cancer Biology (CBIO)
Cardiothoracic Surgery (CTS)
Chemical & Systems Biology (CSB)
Community Health and Prevention Research (CHPR)
Comparative Medicine (COMPMED)
Dermatology (DERM)
Developmental Biology (DBIO)
Emergency Medicine (EMED)
Family and Community Medicine (FAMMED)
Genetics (GENE)
Health Research & Policy (HRP)
Immunology (IMMUNOL)
Medicine (MED)
Medicine Interdisciplinary (INDE)
Microbiology & Immunology (MI)
Molecular & Cellular Physiology (MCP)
Neurobiology (NBIO)
Neurology & Neurological Sciences (NENS)
Neurosciences Program (NEPR)
Neurosurgery (NSUR)
Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBGYN)
Ophthalmology (OPHT)
Orthopedic Surgery (ORTHO)
Otolaryngology (OTOHNS)
Pathology (PATH)
Pediatrics (PEDS)
Physician Assistant Studies (PAS)
Psychiatry (PSYC)
Radiation Oncology (RADO)
Radiology (RAD)
School of Medicine General (SOMGEN)
Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (STEMREM)
Structural Biology (SBIO)
Surgery (SURG)
Urology (UROL)

Office of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Education as Self-Fashioning (ESF)
Immersion in the Arts (ITALIC)
Oral Communications (ORALCOMM)
Overseas Studies General (OSPGEN)
Overseas Studies in Australia (OSPAUSTL)
Overseas Studies in Barcelona (CASB) (OSPBARCL)
Overseas Studies in Beijing (OSPBEIJ)
Overseas Studies in Berlin (OSPBER)
Overseas Studies in Cape Town (OSPCPTWN)
Overseas Studies in Florence (OSPFLOR)
Overseas Studies in Istanbul (OSPISTAN)
Overseas Studies in Kyoto (OSPKYOTO)
Overseas Studies in Kyoto (KCJS) (OSPKYOCT)
Overseas Studies in Madrid (OSPMADRD)
Overseas Studies in Oxford (OSPOXFRD)
Overseas Studies in Paris (OSPPARIS)
Overseas Studies in Santiago (OSPSANTG)
Residential Programs (RESPROG)
Stanford in New York (SINY)
Structured Liberal Education (SLE)
Thinking Matters (THINK)
Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR)
Writing & Rhetoric, Program in (PWR)

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Office of Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning (VPTL)

Health and Human Performance

Athletics and Club Sports (ATHLETIC)
Kinesiology (KIN)
Leadership Innovations (LEAD)
Lifeworks (LIFE)
Outdoor Education (OUTDOOR)
Physical Education (PE)
Wellness Education (WELLNESS)

Stanford Continuing Studies

Master of Liberal Arts (MLA)


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