Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) Grant Program 2021-2022

Apply for the CIPHER Grant Program 2021-2022. The CIPHER Grant Program directly supports the development of early-stage investigators, awarding up to US$150,000 for up to two years to address research gaps in paediatric and adolescent HIV in resource-limited settings. Scroll down to read in details.

Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) Grant Program 2021-2022 (Up to $150,000)


October 29, 2021

This is a unique “stepping up” opportunity, designed to give investigators the experience they need to compete for larger funding. The grants are resulting in personal and career development, capacity building on the ground, and research that informs policies and programs.

Since 2013, CIPHER Grantees have been addressing key clinical and operational research gaps in paediatric and adolescent HIV. They are doing this where it is needed the most, in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); in fact, recognizing the importance of building research capacity, CIPHER awards approximately 80% of funds to applicants from LMICs. The intention is to attract early-stage investigators – from inside and outside the field of HIV research – to address critical research questions while providing a unique opportunity for professional development.


  • Awards will be funded for up to two years and for up to $150,000 for two years (including direct research costs and applicable indirect costs). Second-year funding is contingent upon demonstration of satisfactory progress during year one.
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  • Any individual with the skills, formal education and access to resources necessary to carry out the proposed research is welcome to submit an application.
  • The applicant must be the principal investigator (PI) of the proposed project.
  • The PI should work with a mentor, his/her institutional colleagues and partners to develop the research plan.
  • The PI must be an early-stage investigator, i.e., an individual who obtained her/his terminal research degree (e.g., PhD, MD, MBBS or equivalent) less than 10 years before the application deadline.
  • The PI must serve for the first time as primary PI. Primary PIs who have previously received a non-training research grant exceeding US$30,000 are not eligible.
  • The PI must fulfil one of the following criteria prior to the submission deadline for the Letter of Intent:
    • He/she is a clinical/research trainee (e.g., fellow, senior resident) at an academic institute or an institute whose primary mission is research.
    • He/she has a faculty or comparable position (e.g., assistant professor, lecturer) at an academic institute or an institute whose primary mission is research.
    • He/she has an established position at an organization with adequate research infrastructure to undertake the proposed research activities.
  • The research project should demonstrate the potential to contribute to the optimization of HIV diagnosis, treatment and care for infants and children affected by HIV in resource limited settings by responding to identified research priorities.
  • Applications are encouraged from any country, however please note that approximately 80% of available funds in any given year will be awarded to applicants from (meaning holding a passport from) low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) according to the World Bank classification.
  • The PI must choose a mentor with relevant expertise in paediatric HIV research (mentor’s contact details and a letter of commitment will be requested from all applicants; a mentorship plan will be requested only from shortlisted applicants who are invited to submit a Full Proposal).
  • The budget should reflect that at least 80% of the direct grant expenses will be spent in LMICs.
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A letter of support from the applicant’s institution is required, as well as a copy of the applicant’s terminal research degree diploma.

Click here to apply


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