Cheapest Online Computer Science Degrees

Perhaps you have a strong background in science, mathematics, or technology. Maybe you want to make a difference in the world by designing computer programs for people in remote areas.

Whatever your passions might be, a computer science degree could provide you with the training necessary to pursue them. No matter where you live or what your background might be, a computer science degree is well within reach for each and every student. 

Getting started can be tough, though. With so many degrees out there to choose from – and so many colleges that offer high-profile programs in computer science – sifting through all of the options can be downright overwhelming. However, know this: a computer science degree is a sound investment that will serve you well personally, professionally, and economically as you move forward into your future career.

What kind of computer science degree should you get? 


If you already work in the field of computer science, you might have an idea of what features matter most to you. While you don’t necessarily need a master’s degree in computer science to succeed in the industry – many companies hire professionals who only possess entry-level experiences and undergraduate degrees – a graduate degree in the discipline can certainly help you get a leg up on the competition. 

Look for the computer science degree that has the features that matter most to you. Whether you want to focus on a specific area of the discipline, such as software development, cybersecurity, or bioinformatics, there is a program out there for everyone. A good graduate degree will be one that allows you to progress through the curriculum at your own pace, learning from peers and professionals in both theoretical and hands-on learning environments as you do so.

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Most importantly, the best computer science degree should mesh with your current life goals, commitment, and budget. Let’s face it, earning a degree of any kind can be expensive, and that’s never truer than when you have to leave your current employment in order to pursue advanced education. Luckily, an online degree offers automatic affordability because it removes the need to leave your home to attend classes. 

There are thousands of schools in the United States that offer high-quality programs in computer science, reducing the stress of relocation and juggling classes around your already-busy schedule. If you’re not sure about whether an online computer science degree is the right choice for you, make sure you take a look at our list of the Cheapest Online Colleges. This will give you a better idea of all the inexpensive programs you should be checking out.

How much money do people make with a degree in computer science?

Earning a degree in computer science isn’t easy, but trust us – it’s well worth your time and investment. A master’s degree in computer science enhances your earning potential considerably, making it possible for you to earn in excess of $134,000 each year. Even those new to the field earn high salaries of around $95,900 each year. 

Plus, these jobs are in high demand. As more companies add to the network infrastructure and programming capabilities of their organizations, they need qualified professionals to implement, monitor, and tweak these systems as required. In addition, many companies are in the process of shifting their manual operations to digital ones, meaning there is a higher demand for computer science professionals to carry out these tasks. 

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As a result, jobs in the computer science industry are expected to grow by a whopping 11% before 2028. Not only is this growth well over the national average, but it’s representative of both the public and private sectors – it’s also yet another great reason why you should pursue an affordable online computer science degree.

What are the requirements for a degree in computer science?

Each school has different requirements for admission to computer science programs. While some universities do not require prerequisite coursework or previous employment in computer science, others like to see an undergraduate degree that is at least somewhat related (for example, anything in the STEM field). 

In addition, you will be expected to have strong skills in mathematics, technology, programming, operating systems, and communication. The GRE is often required, as are letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and occasionally an application fee. While you are enrolled, you will take a variety of rigorous classes in concentrated areas like network architecture, computational theory, and software engineering. Many computer science degrees have strong research components as well.

What are the best degrees in computer science?

Finding the best and most affordable online computer science degree can be a real struggle. And figuring out how you can afford a college education – especially if you are already working – amidst all of life’s other expenses can be stressful. Luckily, Colleges Rank is here to help. 

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While not every school will fit the bill for every single student, Colleges Rank believes that there is a perfect school out there for everyone. The best degree in computer science will be one that works with your life circumstances in mind – instead of against them. It will help you develop into a poised, professional computer scientist in no time.

You should look for and apply to programs that are taught by attentive faculty members with lots of experience in the field. A degree that offers hands-on learning experiences, either through practicums, research projects, or cooperative learning experiences is also ideal. Otherwise, the best programs in computer science might simply be the ones that work the best for your schedule and budget.

Not sure where to start? We’ve narrowed down your search into the ten most affordable online computer science degrees. We think these schools are some of the best around, but if you’re interested in learning more about how we make our decision, you should take a few seconds to check out the Colleges Rank methodology page. Here, we will give you more information about how specific schools make the final cut.

Don’t wait any longer. The most affordable online computer science degree is out there waiting for you – all you need to do is apply.

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