Call for Nominations: Yidan Prize 2022

Apply for the Yidan Prize 2022. The Yidan Prize is an inclusive education award that recognizes individuals, or up to three-member teams, who have contributed significantly to education research and development. The prize aims to progress learning by building a global community committed to advancing ideas in education.

Call for Nominations: Yidan Prize 2022 (up to HK$30 million)


March 31, 2022

The Yidan Prize Foundation was formally established in 2016 by Dr Charles Chen Yidan, a philanthropist, entrepreneur and lifelong learner. Recognizing the transformative effect education had on his life, he founded the prize to fulfill his dream of helping others benefit too. The idea of the prize came to him after stepping down as Chief Administration Officer of Tencent, which he co-founded in 1998.


Each year the Yidan Prize is awarded in two categories to individuals, or teams of up to three members:

  • Yidan Prize for Education Research: Awarded for significant contribution to the science of education.
  • Yidan Prize for Education Development: Awarded for instituting positive change in education and learning.


  • Each prize comprises a gold medal and a total sum of HK$30 million (around US$3.9 million). Half is a cash prize of HK$15 million. The other HK$15 million is a project fund to help them expand their initiatives.


  • Nominators are typically members of government bodies, non-governmental organizations, professional associations and individual thought leaders.
  • The nominator should be a credible witness to the impact of the nominee(s).
  • Nominees can be either individuals or teams of up to three members. They can be teachers, researchers, academics, policymakers and education advocates.
  • Self-nominations are accepted, however posthumous nominations are not.
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Judging Criteria

The Yidan Prize is a global award that identifies, recognizes, rewards and encourages change makers opening doors and lighting the way in learning. Each nomination is reviewed against a set of rigorous criteria. These are based on the degree the nominees’ work is future-oriented, innovative, transformative, and sustainable.


Download the nomination guide (available in EnglishFrench/FrançaisChinese/中文, and Spanish/Español). You’ll need to submit your nomination in English.

Click here to nominate

For more information, see FAQs and visit Yidan Prize.

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