Apply for the Australia-Japan Youth Dialogue 2021. The Australia-Japan Youth Dialogue (AJYD) is an independent and non-partisan diplomatic initiative dedicated to strengthening the bilateral relationship with and through future leaders. The AJYD seeks to be the premier initiative for the promotion of young leaders and ideas that will strengthen and support the future of the Australia-Japan relationship.

September 12, 2021
The AJYD aims to be representative by prioritising diversity in all forms: gender, sector, location, and voice. They have an Australian and a Japanese chapter – a balancing of AJYD that promotes visibility and engagement on both sides. They work hard to promote their work and champion the relationship, building the AJYD voice and brand.
- The Australia–Japan Youth Dialogue Limited will cover the cost of flights, accommodation, meals, and transfers for any in-person sessions and all other reasonable dialogue expenses. There is no charge for delegates.
Applicants must:
- be aged between 25 and 40 at the time of the application closing date;
- have professional level English language skills; and
- be able to demonstrate a genuine and well-established commitment to the Australia–Japan relationship.
If selected, delegates must:
- commit to being an active participant in all sessions, activities and events in the AJYD 2021 program;
- contribute to post-event feedback and communications with the AJYD team; and
- remain involved, where possible, in the AJYD alumni network.
Applicants will participate in a competitive, merit-based selection process.
Stage 1: Complete an online application: Complete the online component of the application process by 11:59 pm AEST on Sunday, 12 September 2021. This involves two steps:
- Complete the 2021 AJYD application form
- Attach a CV of no more than 2-pages and submit your application form
Applicants will be assessed, shortlisted and merit-listed by the AJYD team and updates will be provided to all applicants by late September.
Stage 2: Interview via video conference: The AJYD team will interview shortlisted candidates via video conference (Zoom) in late September to early October.
Stage 3: Delegate selection: The AJYD team will assess applicants’ online submissions and interviews. Delegates’ profession, experience, gender, background and location will also be considered so as to ensure the cohort is diverse and representative.
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