Application Open For Community Science Story at the Thriving Earth Exchange Story Slam 2018/2019 – Fully-funded to Washington D.C

Apply For The Community Science Story at the Thriving Earth Exchange Story Slam. Application are open for the Interested students seeking to further thier undergraduate studies in Community Science Story at the Thriving Earth Exchange Story Slam 2018/2019 – Fully-funded to Washington D.C, awards scholarship for high-achieving students seeking to pursue their undergraduate studies. Application Open For Community Science Story at the Thriving Earth Exchange Story Slam 2018/2019 - Fully-funded to Washington D.C

Deadline: Ongoing

The deadline for submission of applications is September 30, 2018 What does Community Science mean to you? How has it impacted your community, your work, your life? Thriving Earth Exchange has an exciting opportunity to develop and share your story at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting this December. The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest Earth and space science gathering in the world, with approximately 24,000 attendees annually. This year, it will be in Washington, D.C. on December 10-14, 2018. Within this meeting, a group of members are planning a collection of sessions, workshops, networking events that are about how they connect science with action through partnering with communities and working with decision makers. Their goal is to help communities thrive by increasing science engagement to improve daily life and better confront concerns posed by extreme events, climate and land cover change, and natural hazards. This meeting within a meeting allows one to connect with a community of people working on building bridges between science and society and also to participate in everything that AGU Fall Meeting has to offer. If you’ve never been before, this year is the year! The meeting is in Washington, D.C. – a perfect place to connect science to decision making
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Benefits Selected applicants will receive:
  • Specialized coaching to craft and develop a 3-minute story during a Storyteller Bootcamp (December 8-9, 2018 at AGU Headquarters, 2000 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC)
  • Travel to and from Washington, DC to participate in the Bootcamp and Reception (11 December)
  • Five (5) nights complimentary lodging near the Washington, DC convention center
  • Breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday, December 8 and 9.
  • Scientists, community leaders, and boundary-spanners engaged in community science are invited to apply to share their community science story at the December 11 reception.
  • They’re looking for individuals interested in sharing personal experiences, ideas, motivations, successes and lessons learned with fellow community science enthusiasts.
As this is not a competition, there will be no judging of speakers or prizes awarded. However they want to help you win hearts and minds and future partners: Their goal is to hear your stories and together build awareness and engagement in community science. The active sharing of experiences and insights will help their community science movement grow in knowledge and their ability to apply science to advance community priorities. Application Applications are due by September 30. They anticipate notifying selected speakers by October 15. Click here to apply.
For more information, visit Thriving Earth Exchange.]]>

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