Ambrose Alli University, AAU Ekpoma Sets Departmental Cut Off Marks and Points On Official JAMB Admission Screening Form Exercise.
Know that JAMB has pegged the official cutoff marks for Ambrose Alli University, AAU Ekpoma to be 160. So below are courses and department with individual cut off marks.
Read full post here :
AAU Ekpoma Cut Off Mark for all Departments 2021/2022
I have 217 in jamb,am I good to go in nursing or biochem?
I got 170 is there chance for me to enter?
I got 199, just a mark to 200
Do I have any chance?
Pls my jamb score is 189 can I write the post utme
For those of you aspiring for admission in AAU. contact me with this number so as to get back to back update on the school. and pls remain calm because the school is yet to release their cut off mark. I’m Collins Nkani aka AAU FUTURE. 08177401731. 07056651975.
Cut of mark for optometry
It’s in the post
It’s above the post
i scored 51 nd m going 4 law.
plz do i have any possiblities
You have chances
I score 56 for accounting will they admit me
You got 50percent chances
According to my calculations…. I scored 51 for law….. Do you think that there is a probability that they will give me the admission or would they give me another course?
Please notify me… Its really urgent (via e-mail)
I scored 61 points in the post utme in AAU ekpoma. Am I sure of law.
What is the cut off mark for the department of College of medicine