Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award 2022

Apply for the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University’s Faculty of Arts and Science to provide the means for promising early-career, creative nonfiction writers to report on an untold story that uncovers truths about the human condition.

Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award 2022 ($12,500 grant)


February 16, 2022

Offered for the first time in 2015, the Award has been endowed by individuals and organizations touched by the life and work of Matthew Power, a wide-roving and award-winning journalist who sought to live and share the experience of the individuals and places on which he was reporting. Power, a longtime friend of the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, died in March 2014, while on assignment in Uganda.


The monetary award of $12,500 will be distributed in the following way:

  • $6,000 upon announcement of the winning proposal; $3,000 upon evidence of substantial progress (usually a first draft); and $3,500 upon completion and acceptance by the Award committee.


The Institute expects the Winner’s Work to meet a high degree of excellence. While the Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award competition is open to all, with the exceptions noted below, the Institute especially encourages applications from early-career, creative nonfiction writers working on projects that meet the competition’s guidelines.

The following persons are not eligible to compete for The Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award:

  • Employees, volunteers, interns and agents of NYU, and each of their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries (“NYU Affiliates”).
  • NYU graduates with degrees dated within two years of the application deadline.
  • Journalists holding staff positions at established media outlets that are in a position to fund such projects on their own.
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Before creating your application, read the FAQ and the Competition Terms of Agreement and Eligibility Requirements carefully. If you have a question about applying which is not answered in either place, you may inquire at [email protected]

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award.

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