5 Tips to Effectively Manage People

A structured and well-built team is more than the sum of its parts. Teams need direction and a cohesive plan to achieve their goals and bring success to any company. Today, where competition between businesses is high and making poor choices when hiring new talent can be very destructive, creating an environment where teams practice their critical thinking and problem-solving skills together to own the tasks they are given is absolutely critical

Today, it is thought that around half of employees may leave their jobs due to poor management. That’s a staggering figure that certainly rings alarm bells for any manager or CEO who wants to build better teams and successful companies. However, there are many ways to effectively manage people and build healthier working atmospheres. Here are 5 tips that will get you started.

Practice constructive feedback

Employees will actively detach themselves from work when the feedback they receive is not constructive. Far from many people’s perceptions of feedback sessions as unnecessary HR exercises, the feedback you give actually matters. To ensure optimal management of your staff, it is recommended to give regular feedback that is both constructive and actionable. By doing this, you will give your staff the tools and confidence they need to solve issues when the arise and work independently on projects and tasks.

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Transparent communication in management

Effective and active communication is key to managing a team or a business. A strong flow of communication is a vital influence on the team and any project’s development. In fact, it is often the case that the majority of employees and executives see the main cause for failures at work as due to incompetent communication and a lack of cooperation. Ensuring communication from superiors and throughout your team is both transparent and comprehensive is key to effective management, and something that should always be improved.


Whatever the size of your business, managers empowering workers and giving them independence drives confidence, competence, and innovation. Autonomous workers are more likely to feel proud of the work they do and engage with the company’s mission and goals, increasing the chances that staff members will remain and develop in their roles over a period of time. Never hover over your team and place trust in your workers to develop dedicated individuals who are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Know your team

It is important to always keep in mind that every team member is different, some will be better at strategy while others will prefer a more hands-on approach. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your team and the individuals it contains is crucial to achieving your goals, allowing you to assign tasks and projects based on your knowledge and experience of how people work. Additionally, be aware of how individuals influence each other, either positively or negatively, and ensure you leverage this knowledge to build teams that complement each other effectively.

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Setting standards in effective team management

Instructing your staff as to the right approach on any given project is essential to efficient management. However, this is not the only consideration, and ensuring that you implement robust action plans that can be used across the board will help you set and raise standards as you move forward. As a leader you will have to spend the majority of your worktime with your team, actively “leading” and ensuring they have the tools and knowledge they need to complete their work. However, effective management also requires that you pass on the skills you have learnt as a manager so that others can take up your role when you are not there.

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