University of Groningen Eric Bleumink Full Funded Scholarships 2018/2019

University of Groningen Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarships. The deadline for submission of applications is 1st December, 2018. University of Groningen Eric Bleumink Full Funded Scholarships 2018/2019 The Eric Bleumink Fund awards scholarships to talented students from developing countries. Such scholarships enable them to further develop as individuals and to make important contributions to the development of their own countries. Since 2000, the year the fund was started, the EBF handed out more than sixty scholarships. This means more than sixty young, ambitious and very talented people were able to follow an additional study at the University of Groningen. Here they were introduced to an academic culture, libraries and  international contacts they are often lacking in their homeland.

University of Groningen Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship Benefits.

  • The grant is awarded for a 1 year or 2 years Master’s degree programme.
  • The grant covers tuition fee, costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance.

University of Groningen Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship Eligibility Criteria.

Purposes: Master programme, Master (MSc/MA/LL.M.) Programmes: All Countries of origin: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Timor-Leste, Sudan (Rep.), Congo (Dem Rep.), South Sudan, Central African Republic, Zambia, Armenia, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Congo (Rep.), Congo, El Salvador, Ghana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kosovo, Korea, Dem. Rep., Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nigeria, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.
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Candidates for the Eric Bleumink Fund should:
  1. Have obtained conditional admission to the program of choice (see: )
  2. Have excellent academic performance, preferably to be confirmed by letters of recommendation
  3. Have excellent grades during their bachelor/undergraduate studies;
  4. Have excellent English language proficiency, in accordance with the admission requirements of the program of choice
  5. Be available for the whole period of the programme and be able to take part in the entire programme
  6. Be in good health, so that health insurance in the Hold the nationality of a country appearing in Appendix 1.
  7. Have no other means of financing the study in question

How to Apply for University of Groningen Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship.

  • The University of Groningen Admission Office, in consultation with the Admission Boards of its faculties, will determine which applicants will be nominated for an Eric Bleumink Fund scholarship.
  • Only applicants that have received a (conditional) admission offer for a master programme before February can thus be considered. In order to allow for enough time to process the application to a master programme by the Admission Office, such a master application should be completed by the applicant before 1st of December.

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