Scholarship Opportunities For Different Majors

A university degree still proves to be of an advantage when it comes to employment and starting out a career path. Thus, even with the advancements in modern technology, paving the way for an accessible education and learning, pursuing a college education degree is still a common goal. This may be a challenging feat, especially for those who are not really well off because education comes with a price. Nevertheless, here are several scholarship opportunities for different majors.


Engineering is a wide field with several sub majors under its umbrella. Some scholarship grants prefer to sponsor students who show a keen interest in space research or space science education, and aeronautics-related sciences. Others provide grants to students who are willing to pursue careers in mechatronics and robotics. Big corporations, especially those with manufacturing plants, also offer engineering scholarship programs and financial assistance to less fortunate but brilliant students. After completing their degree, the students they sponsor usually becomes part of the company.

Computer Science

Scholarships offered for computer science majors are usually composed of an immersive experience wherein students are assigned to a mentor. Companies that sponsor computer science majors encourage their students to create innovative software solutions with the potential of being widely accepted by users on a global scale. There are also undergraduate scholarship programs that award students with a cash incentive, which they can spend at their own prerogative. More often than not, scholarship opportunities for the computer science major screens out applicants who are talented and brilliant scientists and researchers. Some even include a lab experience as part of the qualification process.

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Political Science

There are also various scholarship programs for students majoring in political science. More often than not, these programs are spearheaded by those running a government office, or its subsidiary. Other non-government organizations that offer scholarships for this major tend to provide these scholarship grants in honor of previous political leaders or personalities who made a difference in a country’s governance.


Financial literacy and business awareness should be encouraged among the youth. Thus, several scholarship grants tend to support students interested in pursuing a major in economics. More often than not, the funds dedicated for these scholarship programs cover the tuition and miscellaneous fees of the students. While various charitable institutions provide scholarships for economics majors, there are more scholarship programs available from large corporations and private institutions. Apart from having the funds to finish the degree, the scholars are normally immersed in the corporation for an internship and training after they obtain their degree. More often than not, they become part of the company after their internship.


Scholarship grants for nursing students range from baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral programs. There are RN to BSN scholarship opportunities offered to registered nurses who are pursuing a BSN or MSN with at least a 3.5 GPA. There are also scholarship grants that prioritize students in a graduate program who aim to become nurse educators. Some of these scholarship programs prefer students from a certain location, while others require a certain work experience such as caring for senior citizens. Nevertheless, most of these scholarship opportunities intend to promote the nursing profession through their grants.

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Biology is another popular major wherein several scholarship programs are made available. Some medical institutions award a certain sum in recognition or medical students who promote ethnic diversity in the community. However, the monetary award needs to be spent to pursue further medical education. There are also scholarship grants that award a certain sum in recognition of students who have done inspiring acts of kindness for their patients. These students must be pursuing a degree in the medical field. There are also foundations that distinguish individuals who go out of their way to help others in need, such as those students in the medical field. More often than not, the programs for biology majors are monetary awards that can be obtained upon passing the necessary requirements such as an essay or a testimony.


The grants for students pursuing a psychology major are usually a monetary sum that will definitely be of financial assistance. There are those that couple the grant with a trip to attend a workshop that will allow students to share their work to their peers in the field. There are also several scholarship programs for students who wish to pursue psychology, but they belong to a low income family. These scholarship programs tend to alleviate the burden of having to pay for a hefty tuition fee to pursue the psychology major.


College students who wish to pursue further education in the field of media and communication also have several scholarship opportunities. Large corporations such as the Walt Disney Company offer scholarship programs specifically for students interested in off-camera careers in entertainment. Nonetheless, more and more students taking up majors in communications are encouraged to apply for these scholarships in advance.

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English Language

It still holds true that English is regarded as the global form of communication medium. Thus, students majoring in the English language will be able to find a wide variety of scholarship programs that they can apply for. Under this umbrella are courses in journalism, creative writing, and copy editing. Certain scholarship in the arts also extends their grant for students taking up literature. There are also various writing scholarships to support up and coming authors in support of responsible writing. Apart from providing financial assistance, most of these scholarship programs also offer industry immersion and trainings in different fields.

In conclusion, even in this modern day and age, it still holds true that education is of primary importance. While information is now readily available and accessible over the internet, nothing still compares to a university degree, especially for certain professions in the field of medicine, engineering and law. While there may be challenges and hindrances that can discourage you from pursuing higher education, there will always be opportunities that can help you overcome these challenges such as scholarships and educational grants. A single scholarship may be insufficient for the whole of your course but it will definitely be of remarkable help.

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