Institute of International Education (IIE) Photo & Impact Story Contest 2019

Deadline Date: November 4, 2019

Are you a current or past participant of an IIE-managed program? Apply for the Institute of International Education (IIE) Photo & Impact Story Contest 2019. Share your best photos along with an impact story.

IIE is seeking photos that show how international exchange connects people and changes lives, careers, and communities around the world for the better. They want a well-rounded group of photos with stories that represent the diverse, international scope of their work. They are seeking photo submissions from people from various locations, backgrounds, and academic or professional fields.


  • The winner will receive a gift card worth $300 USD
  • Second runner up will win a gift card worth $200
  • Third runner up will win a gift card of $100.


  • Open to current or past participant of an IIE-managed program;
  • Acceptable file types are jpeg, png, and pdf. The photos should be the highest resolution and best quality possible, preferably 1600 x 1200 pixels. Please note that they are not accepting video submissions. Click “add files” and choose the file with the visual part of your submission. You may be asked if you have the rights to include the subjects (people) within the photo. (If you do not, your photo cannot be entered in the contest).
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Entry Requirements

All submissions must include both a visual and a short-written component.

  • Photo: They encourage you to be creative in representing your story visually. Find a high-quality photo that best illustrates your impact story.
    • Photo should be the highest resolution and best quality possible
    • Preferably 1600 x 1200 pixels, but not required
    • Third party copyrighted materials are not accepted
  • Written Description: Your photo submission must be paired with a 250 – 500-word written story on the impact of that experience on your life, work and/or community. Each written submission must communicate:
    • Your name
    • The name of your IIE-managed program or opportunity
    • When you participated in your program
    • The impact of that experience on you personally, professionally, and/or academically

Prompts to Consider

Consider these prompts when constructing your impact story:

  • How has your experience(s) abroad strengthened your academic or career goals? What did you gain specifically from the international aspects of your program?
  • How did you go beyond program expectations to immerse within the host culture (i.e. volunteering, leadership, internship, local activities)?
  • Did you work with people you met abroad to create a solution or to advance research that serves other people in a positive way?
  • Did your experience help to pave the way for your future accomplishments?
  • Were you able to take your insights from abroad and impact your local community at home?
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All submissions are to be made through Media Port. Only one submission per person will be accepted.

For more information, visit IIE.

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