Crucial Factors To Have In Mind When Planning To Request For Time Off From Work

There comes that time when it is unavoidable to be away from work and attend to personal and family matters or get to have that much-needed vacation. This is an important aspect for every employee regardless of their duties as it helps in breaking away from the norm and focusing on other aspects of their lives.

As it is popularly said, ‘All work and no play make Jack a dull boy,’ there is the unavoidable need to find the time and have pleasures in other areas besides your professional career. Not only will this be crucial in assisting you to break away from the hustle and bustle of formal work, but it is a critical phase that can see you easily attain better clarity in lots of areas. Largely, this is because you are free from the tight schedules that have become a defining factor in the work environment.

Despite the importance of taking time off from work, it is unfortunate that survey on employees conducted by Galaxy research shows that a huge percentage feel guilty about taking an extended leave. The report further stated that a primary reason was that employees are more worried about the build-up of work while they are gone than the benefits of having time to relax or pursue other interests. This misplaced notion has been inherited over the years and been inherited by the young generation who believe they have to work more for enhanced job security. Unluckily, this is a global problem, and the notions behind these fears are ill-placed, especially in a generation where people are aware of the importance of being re-energized and self-motivated for performance.

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To avoid having fears hold you back from taking a deserved break, the following aspects have to be taken into account;

  1. You deserve a better work-life balance

Increasingly, more companies have become receptive to the well-placed ideas and suggestions on giving employees a suitable platform the supports better work-life balance. You, therefore, do not have to feel guilty or have worries when there is an urge or need to be away from work and attend to other matters. The goal could be to use the period to take care of your lovely parents who are now elderly, write that book you have been musing over, handle a medical situation, or take that trip you have always dreamt about. All these interests are valid, and you never have to be inclined to assumptions as to what the company will think about it.

  1. It is critical to have a plan

While it is your right and a legal obligation for a company to ensure that when there is the right need, you get time off from work, the approach to the matter determines the management reception. First, you have to understand the company’s policy leave of absence before coming up with a plan that takes these factors into account. There are types of workplace leaves that come with legal obligations such as paternity and maternity leave, as well as medical leave, and these are often made the core points of focus. You must, however, not shy off when the kind of leave you want is not covered as by seeking the advice of a career coach you can have a strategy for making known your requirements to the management.

  1. Remember, timing is key
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In the workplace, timing is critical, and many at times when the management is painted negatively, employees at times never consider some essential factors. Since you play an important role in the workplace, the management needs sufficient time to have in place the right measures for when you will be away. Equally, the company has cycles, and it can be challenging to let an employee have time off when there is too much at hand. Making know your intentions as early as possible provides sufficient room for the leave of absence to be granted without anyone feeling pushed to the wall.

  1. Have in mind that it is going to be a negotiation

Unless you are seeking a leave that comes with legal obligations such as paternal leave or time off for medical attention, one must be ready for a negotiation. On the one hand, the management wants you to have a flexible life, but on the other they equally need you. Having an open mind will, in the end, guarantee it is a win-win situation.

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