24 TOP UNIVERSITY Scholarships for International Students

Not all scholarships are made equivalent. A few scholarships are as education cost waivers only, some cover everyday costs, while some offer a fractional money award yet there are those scholarship programs that cover both education cost and everyday costs and some of the time incorporate travel costs, book recompense, protection, and so forth. Completely subsidized scholarships give most, if not all, of what you have to seek after your educations abroad.  

top universitiestop universities

1. Fulbright Foreign Student Program (USA)  

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The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is lofty scholarships for international understudies who need to seek after a Master’s or Ph.D. degree in the United States. For the most part, the award finances educational cost, airfare, a living stipend, and medical coverage, and so on. The Fulbright program gives subsidizing to the term of the investigation. 

Official Link: http://foreign.fulbrightonline.org/about/foreign-fulbright  

2. English Chevening Scholarships (UK)  

Chevening Scholarships, the UK government’s worldwide scholarship program, are granted to extraordinary researchers with authority potential. Scholarships are ordinarily for a one-year Master’s qualification. Most Chevening Scholarships cover education costs, a living stipend at a set rate (for one individual, an economy class return airfare to the UK, extra grants to cover fundamental consumption.  

Official Link: http://www.chevening.org/  

3. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)  

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships support graduates from all fields with the chance to seek after doctoral or postdoctoral research at one of the open supported university or perceived foundation in Switzerland. The scholarship covers a month to month stipend, education costs, medical coverage, lodging recompense, and so on. 

Official Link: https://www.sbfi.admin.ch/sbfi/en/home/education/scholarships-and-grants/swiss-government-excellence-scholarships.html  

4. Swedish Scholarships for International Students (Sweden) 

The Swedish Institute gives scholarships in Sweden to profoundly qualified international understudies from developing nations who need to seek after full-time Master’s studies at Swedish Universities. The scholarship covers education cost, everyday costs, some movement grants, and protection.  

Official Link: https://si.se/en/apply/scholarships/swedish-institute-scholarships-for-global-professionals/  

5. VLIR-UOS Training and Masters Scholarships (Belgium) 

VLIR-UOS grants to understudies from chosen developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America with the goal that they can seek after a Training and Master’s Program identified with improvement at Universities in Belgium. The scholarships cover education cost, convenience, recompense, travel expenses, and other program-related expenses.  

Official Link: https://www.vliruos.be/en/scholarships/6  

6. Gates Cambridge Scholarships (UK)  

Gates Cambridge Scholarships are full-cost scholarships for graduate examination and research in any subject accessible at the University of Cambridge. The scholarships are available to every global understudy from everywhere throughout the world. A Gates Cambridge Scholarship takes care of the full expense of learning at Cambridge in particular: college charges, support recompenses, airfare, and some need’s stipend.  

READ:  11 Countries that Offer Study without IELTS or TOEFL

Official Link: http://www.gatescambridge.org/   

7. Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford (UK)  

The Clarendon Scholarship Fund is a prestigious graduate scholarship plan offering around 140 new scholarships each year to qualified graduate candidates (counting international understudies) at the University of Oxford. Clarendon Scholarships are granted based on scholastic greatness and potential overall degree-bearing subjects at the graduate level at the University of Oxford. The scholarships cover the educational cost and school charges in full and a liberal grant for everyday costs. 

Official Link: http://www.clarendon.ox.ac.uk/  

8. Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships (UK) 

The Warwick Graduate School grants around 25 Chancellor’s International Scholarships to the most exceptional universal Ph.D. candidates every year. The scholarships are available to understudies of any nationality and any discipline offered at Warwick. The scholarships incorporate the full installment of abroad education costs and upkeep remittance.  

Official Link: https://warwick.ac.uk/services/dc/schols_fund/scholarships_and_funding/chancellors_int  

9. Westminster Full International Scholarships (UK) 

College of Westminster grants to qualified understudies from any developing nation who wish to study in the UK and seek after a full-time Undergraduate certificate in any field of concentrate at the University of Westminster. The scholarship grants full education cost waivers, convenience, everyday costs, and flights to and from London.  

Official Link: https://www.westminster.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/scholarships/westminster-full-international-scholarship   

10. Adelaide Scholarships International (Australia) 

The University of Adelaide offers the Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) program to pull in excellent international postgraduate understudies to regions of research quality in the University of Adelaide to help its examination exertion. The scholarship incorporates course education costs, yearly living remittance, and medical coverage.  

Official Link: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/graduatecentre/scholarships/research-international/opportunities/adelaide-scholarship-international/  

11. University of Sydney International Research Scholarships (Australia)  

The University of Sydney welcomes applicants who are qualified to attempt a Postgraduate Research Degree or Master’s by Research program at this University to apply for the University of Sydney International Research Scholarship (USydIS). The USydIS will cover education costs and living remittance for as long as three years.  

Official Link: http://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/prospective/international_postgraduate_scholarships.shtml#usi  

12. University of Maastricht High Potential Scholarships (Netherlands)  

The University of Maastricht High Potential Scholarships is made accessible by the UM Scholarship Fund with the point of empowering skilled understudies from outside the EEA to pursue a Master’s program at UM. The scholarships incorporate education costs, everyday costs, visa expenses, and protection.  

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Official Link: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/support/your-studies-begin/coming-maastricht-university-abroad/um-scholarships-students-abroad  

13. TU Delft Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands) 

The Delft University of Technology offers various scholarship programs for international understudies. The Justus and Louise van Effen scholarship is one of those projects and it means to monetarily support brilliant international MSc understudies wishing to learn at TU Delft. The scholarship is a full scholarship – including education costs and month to month recompense for everyday costs.  

Official Link: https://www.tudelft.nl/en/education/practical-matters/scholarships/justus-louise-van-effen-excellence-scholarships/  

14. Erik Bleumink Scholarships at University of Groningen (Netherlands) 

The Erik Bleumink Fund Scholarships are normally granted for any one year or two years Master’s certificate program offered at the University of Groningen. The scholarship covers the education costs in addition to the expenses of universal travel, subsistence, books, and medical coverage.  

Official Link: http://www.rug.nl/education/international-students/financial-matters/ericbleumink  

15. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands) 

The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) grants to extraordinarily gifted understudies from outside the EU to seek after qualified Master’s Programs offered at the University of Amsterdam. The AES is a full grant of 25,000 Euros covering the educational cost and everyday costs.  

Official Link: http://www.uva.nl/en/education/master-s/scholarships–tuition/scholarships-and-loans/amsterdam-excellence-scholarship/amsterdam-excellence-scholarship.html  

16. ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarship Program (Switzerland)  

ETH Zurich underpins brilliant international understudies wishing to seek after a Master’s qualification at ETH. The Excellence Scholarship and Opportunity Program (ESOP) comprises of a scholarship covering living and study costs as well as an education cost waiver.  

Official Link: https://www.ethz.ch/students/en/studies/financial/scholarships/excellencescholarship.html  

17. International Leader of Tomorrow Award at the University of British Columbia (Canada) 

University of British Columbia (UBC) gives bachelor’s scholarships to gifted auxiliary and post-optional international understudies from around the globe. Worldwide Leader of Tomorrow Award-victors gets an honor level equivalent with their monetary need as dictated by the expenses of their educational cost, charges, and living costs. 

Official Link: http://you.ubc.ca/financial-planning/scholarships-awards-international-students/international-scholars/  

18. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto (Canada)  

The Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program at the University of Toronto is planned to perceive international understudies who show outstanding scholastic accomplishment and creativity and who are perceived as pioneers within their school. The scholarship will cover the educational costs, books, coincidental charges, and full residence support for a long time.  

Official Link: http://future.utoronto.ca/pearson/about#about  

19. Joint Japan World Bank Scholarships  

The Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program gives scholarships to understudies from World Bank part nations to seek after improvement related educations at chose Universities around the globe. The scholarship gives travel costs between your nation of origin and the host university, educational cost for your alumni program, the expense of fundamental medicinal protection, a month to month subsistence remittance to cover everyday costs, including books.  

READ:  16 Fully-Funded GOVERNMENT Scholarships for International Students 

Official Link: http://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/scholarships  

20. ADB Japan Scholarship Program 

The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) expects to give a chance to well-qualified residents of ADB’s developing part nations to embrace postgraduate examinations in financial matters, management, science and innovation, and other advancement related fields at taking an interest scholastic foundation in the Asian and Pacific Region. The ADB-JSP gives full education costs, a month to month subsistence and lodging recompense, a remittance for books and instructional materials, restorative protection, and travel costs.  

Official Link: http://www.adb.org/site/careers/japan-scholarship-program/main  

21. Rotary Foundation Global Study Grants 

The Rotary Foundation offers grant subsidizing through the Rotary Foundation Global Grant scholarships. The grant finances graduate-level coursework or research for one to four scholastic years. The base spending plan for a worldwide award grant is 30,000 USD which can subsidize the accompanying: international ID/visa, immunizations, travel costs, school supplies, educational cost, food and lodging, and so forth.  

Official Link: https://my.rotary.org/en/take-action/apply-grants/global-grants  

22. OFID Scholarship Award  

OFID (The OPEC Fund for International Development) offers a completely subsidized scholarship to qualified candidates who wish to study for a Master’s qualification in an authorize University around the globe. The scholarships are worth up to 50,000 USD that covers the education costs, month to month stipend to cover everyday costs, convenience, protection, books, migration awards, and travel costs. 

Official Link: http://www.ofid.org/FOCUS-AREAS/Beyond-the-scope/Scholarship-Award  

23. University of Canterbury International First Year Scholarships (New Zealand) 

The University of Canterbury offers the UC International First Year Scholarship to top-accomplishing international understudies initiating a college degree program at the University. The scholarship is as of now granted with estimations of 10,000 USD, 15,000 USD or 20,000 USD. 

Official Link: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/scholarshipsearch/ScholarshipDetails.aspx?ScholarshipID=6935.1480  

24. Bristol University Think Big Scholarships (UK) 

The University of Bristol is offering 26 Think Big Undergraduate scholarships and 26 Think Big Postgraduate scholarships. The honors spread between 25% – 100% of education costs for the length of the course. 

Official Link: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/fees-funding/awards/think-big-undergraduate/  

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